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EU Projects

ESO is actively participating in several EU funded projects that are helping to implement Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the EU Cancer Mission.

Details of the projects which ESO is part of are listed below.

Suggestions of other EU projects/collaborations that ESO should join are welcome, please contact eu_projects@eso.net.

INTERACT-EUROPE 100 is an ambitious project to provide cancer care professionals with essential knowledge through an Inter-specialty Cancer Training (ISCT) curriculum in 100 cancer centres across Europe. Building upon the work of INTERACT-EUROPE, its predecessor, INTERACT-EUROPE 100 is a 36-month project (December 2023 – December 2026). It is co-funded by the European Union under the EU4Health programme 2021-2027 as part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and involves 38 partner organisations from 15 European countries in developing the curriculum. The European Cancer Organisation is the Coordinator of this Project.


The European School of Onolcogy is the leader of WP3 (Programme Delivery) and is responsible for various tasks. In particular, ESO has to organise and perform the inter-specialty cancer training programme delivery across Europe, to create a network of central and local facilities to support the delivery of the inter-specialty cancer training programme. ESO will organise 8 Train the Trainers courses and will support and monitor participants' attendance of the educational programme. ESO is also in charge of CME accreditation application and of the production of a delivery guide to ensure that cancer centres have all the necessary information and details in order to complete the training programme.


Join INTERACT-EUROPE 100 and put your centre at the forefront of healthcare training.
Apply now to be among the 100 cancer centres participating, offering your cancer care professionals an array of multidisciplinary training for the next three years. Training begins in 2024.


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructure for the European Union.

Coordinator: OECI

ESO’s Role: Consortium partner and work package leader.

CCI4EU is a coordination and support action geared towards supporting Member States and Associated countries in developing or improving existing or future Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures by fostering research innovation and digital capacity development in cancer care. A tailored Capacity Building programme has been devised to fulfil the aim of this action: ensuring that 90% of cancer patients are treated in Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures by 2030.

The development of an inter-specialty cancer training programme across Europe.

Coordinator: European Cancer Organisation

ESO’s Role: Consortium partner and leader of various activities in WP3.

INTERACT-EUROPE was an 18-month project (June 2022 – November 2023) co-funded by the EU under the EU4Health programme 2021-2027. INTERACT-EUROPE brough together 33 partners from 17 countries aiming at developing a European inter-specialty cancer training programme involving all main oncology disciplines and professions, cancer centres and patient groups, based on relevant needs assessments. This project was the basics for INTERACT-EUROPE 100.