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World Oncology Forum

The World Oncology Forum (WOF) is a series of policy forums, organised by ESO in collaboration with The Lancet Oncology, where internationally renowned cancer clinicians, researchers, advocates and policy makers discuss and define what needs to be done to end avoidable suffering and death from cancer.

The last edition was held in Ascona (Monte Verità), Switzerland on 28-30 September 2023. The WOF devoted to “Global fight against cancer: past, present, future” aimed to find out whether in the meantime there has been progress and, if not, what should be done to avoid the disaster.

The programme is available HERE.

The list of participants is available HERE.

An article reporting the outcomes has been published in Lancet Oncology on February 4, 2024 in the occasion of the World Cancer Day. Link HERE.

Media Partners:


WOF Appeal


Past editions

The World Oncology Forum Taskforce met in Inveruno, Milan, on November 1-2, 2018 to address the questions discussed at the previous meetings. Three reasons to be hopeful were identified: efforts to address non-communicable diseases are being taken increasingly seriously by governments and policy makers; the concept of universal health coverage is gaining traction; and global health discussions have moved on from focusing on prevention and treating simple conditions, to include the need to invest in diagnostic infrastructures to promote early and accurate diagnosis.


Cancer and Global Health
WOF 4, focused on Research and Policy, was held in Lugano, Switzerland in 2017.

Videos from this edition can be found here.

Prevent the Preventable
The third World Oncology Forum focused on policies for prevention, and was held in Milan, Italy in 2015.


Treat the treatable
The second World Oncology Forum was held in Lugano in October 2014. It issued two appeals, which called on governments, policy makers and international agencies to work together to carry out a detailed package of actions to expand global access to early detection treatment and care and address problems in the ecosystem for discovering, developing and evaluating new therapies that are hindering faster progress towards cures for cancer.
These appeals were promoted at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 21-24 January 2015, where responding to the rising tide of cancer was on the agenda for the first time.
A video from this edition can be found here.


Are we winning the war on cancer?
The launch event was held in Lugano, Switzerland in October 2012.

It resulted in the Stop Cancer Now! appeal  - a 10 point action plan for governments to deliver on commitments they made at the World Health Assembly in May 2012 to cut preventable deaths from non-communicable diseases by 25% by 2025.

The Stop Cancer Now! appeal covered the policy headings: Prevent preventable cancers, Treat treatable cancers, Support all those living with cancer, Accelerate finding cures for cancers that are not yet curable, and Strengthen policy frameworks and health systems. It was published on World Cancer Day, February 4th 2013, in The Lancet and in leading newspapers across the world.



"Winning or losing? ESO asks the experts", Cancer World, July-August 2012

Offline: At least two reasons to be grateful for Europe”, The Lancet, Vol 380, November 3, 2012

"An appeal to world leaders: stop cancer now", The Lancet, Vol 381, February 9, 2013

"Stop Cancer Now!", The Lancet, Vol 381, February 9, 2013

"The failure of cancer medicine?", The Lancet, Vol 381, February 9, 2013

"Stop Cancer Now! An appeal for global action against one of the world’s greatest and fastest growing health challenges", Cancer World, January-February 2013

"The cancer wars 1 - Global cancer patterns: causes and prevention", The Lancet, Vol 383, February 8, 2014

"The cancer wars 2 - Rethinking the war on cancer", The Lancet, Vol 383, February 8, 2014

"The cancer wars 3 - Cancer survival: global surveillance will stimulate health policy and improve equity", The Lancet, Vol 383, February 8, 2014

"Towards a global cancer fund", The Lancet, Vol 16, February 2015

"Knocking at the door of the global agenda setters", Cancer World, March-April 2015

"A strategic moment - New knowledge favours promoting peace over waging war", Cancer World, January-February 2015

"Time to refocus on risk and prevention", Cancer World, May-July 2016

"Negotiating a global cancer plan: the first two acts of a three-part drama", Cancer World, Summer 2018

"Winning where it matters", Cancer World, Summer 2019

"GLOBOCAN 2018: counting the toll of cancer", The Lancet, Vol 392, September 22, 2018



"Stop cancer now!", IHT, January 29, 2013

"Fermiamo il cancro ora!", La Repubblica, January 29, 2013

"Halten wir den krebs jetzt auf!", NNZ, January 29, 2013

"Arreter le cancer maintenant", Le Monde, January 29, 2013

"¡Detengamos el cáncer ya!", El Pais, January 29, 2013


Media Partners:

WOF is organised in conjunction with Cancer World, which explores the world of European cancer care from the perspective of the clinician, the researcher, the administrator and the patient. The magazine gives a voice to health professionals in all fields and at all levels. It offers a special platform to those who are most affected by cancer - the people with the disease.
The Lancet Oncology is the exclusive scientific media partner of WOF. This is a valuable partnership as The Lancet Oncology is by far the most authoritative scientific journal in its field.