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ESO Publication

Popescu RA, Sullivan R, Aggarwal A, Lopes David BB, Valciņa O, al Sendi M, Lawler M, Charalambous A, Aapro M, Hall C, Eniu A, Selby P Improving cancer outcomes through enhanced leadership and strategy training for cancer healthcare professionals – A course developed by the European School of Oncology (ESO), the European Cancer Organization (ECO) and Sharing Progress in Cancer Care (SPCC). Journal of Cancer Policy, Volume 43, March 2025

Hall C, Eniu A, Rassy E, Rolfo C, Cavalli F, Costa A, Peccatori AF, Rolfo C, Pavlidis N The educational contribution of the college of the European school of oncology (ESCO): A survey analysis of the first three years. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 192, December 2023

Pavlidis N, Peccatori FA, Eniu A, Rassy E, Aapro M, Cavalli F, Lordick F & Costa A Changing the landscape of European School of Oncology–European Society for Medical Oncology masterclasses in clinical oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Medicine,

Meani F, Kovacs T, Wandschneider W et al. Multidisciplinary blended learning to build a breast cancer specialist career: survey on the perspective of the first 2 cohorts of the ESO-ULM Certificate of Competence in Breast cancer (CCB). BMC Med Educ 22, 344 (2022)

Pavlidis N, Peccatori AF, Aapro M, Eniu A, Rassy E,  Rolfo C, Cavalli F, Costa A ESO's career development program (2002-2021): Presentation and evaluation. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 169, January 2022

Pavlidis N, Peccatori AF, Aapro M, Eniu A, Rassy E, Cavalli F, Rolfo C, Costa A Eight-Year Experience of the Certificate of Competence and Advanced Studies Program Organized by the European School of Oncology. Journal of Cancer Education, 37: 231–236, October 2021

Pavlidis N, Peccatori F, Eniu A, Aapro M, Rassy E, Cavalli F, Costa A Educational contribution of the College of the European School of Oncology to the Latin American Oncologists. Future Oncology, 17(23): 2981-2987, August 2021

Pavlidis N, Kahharov A, Peccatori AF, Aapro M, Eniu A, Rassy E, Cavalli F, Costa A. The Contribution of European School of Oncology Education to Central Asian and Caucasian. Region J Cancer Education, 37: 224–229, July 2021

Siano M, Marangoni F, Pavlidis N, Peccatori AF, Aapro M, Eniu A, Rolfo C, Cavalli F, Costa A. Live European School of Oncology e-Sessions. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 163, July 2021

Pavlidis N, Todorovic V, Rassy E, Kahled H, Peccatori AF, Eniu A, Gligorov J. The Management of Patients with Cancer of Unknown Primary in Middle Income Countries: an ESO-AROME Survey. Future Oncology, 17(2):151-157, 2021

Pavlidis N, Peeters M, Madry R, Markowska J, Peccatori F, Costa A, Sandrucci S, Schrijvers D, Vermorken JB. ESO-ESSO-ESTRO Multidisciplinary Course in Oncology for Medical Students: 4 Years of Experience(2016-2019). J Cancer Education, January 2021

Pavlidis N, Peccatori AF, Aapro M, Eniu A, Cavalli F, Costa A. The impact of the European School of Oncology masterclass in clinical oncology on self-professional development Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 151, July 2020

Pavlidis N, Peccatori F, Aapro M, Eniu A, Cavalli F, Costa A. The Clinical Training Centres Fellowships: A European School of Oncology Career Development Program (2013-2019). Future Oncology, 16(26): 1969-1976, June 2020

Pavlidis N, Peccatori F, Aapro M, Cervantes A, Stahel R, Eniu A, Cavalli F, Costa A. Clinical case presentation and discussion during ESO-ESMO Masterclass: a 10-years interactive educational experience. J Cancer Education, 36(5):1124-1128, October 2021

Todorovic V, Aapro M, Pavlidis N, et al. AROME-ESO Oncology Consensus Conference: access to cancer care innovations in countries with limited resources. J BUON 24(5):2180-2197, September-October 2019

Pavlidis N, Peccatori F, Aapro M, Eniu A, Stahel R, Cervantes A, Cavalli F, Costa A. ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology: Analysis and Evaluation of the Learning Self-Assessment Test. J Cancer Education 36, 556–560 (2021), December 2019

Pavlidis N, Peccatori F, Aapro M, Rolfo C, Cervantes A, Stahel R, Eniu A, Cavalli F, Costa A. Changing the education paradigm in oncology: ESO Masterclass, 17 years of continues success. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 146, 2019

Pavlidis N, Vermorken J, Stahel R, Bernier J, Cervantes A, Pentheroudakis G, Audisio R, Costa A. Undergraduate training in Oncology: an ESO continuing challenge for Medical Students. Surg Oncol 21(1): 15-21, 2012

Pavlidis N, Gadallah M, Cavalli F, Costa A. Euro-Arab School of Oncology: an educational collaborative activity of ESO with the Arab World. J Cancer Education 26(1): 129-33, 2011

Pavlidis N, Gatzemeier W, Popescu R, Stahel R, Pinedo H, Cavalli F, Costa A. The masterclass of ESO: The “key” educational event of the school. Eur J Cancer 46(12):2159-65, 2010

Pavlidis N, Vermorken J, Stahel R, Bernier J, Cervantes A, Audisio R, Pentheroudakis G, Costa A. Oncology for Medical Students: an ESO contribution to undergraduate cancer education. Cancer Treat Rev 33(5): 419-26, 2007

Pavlidis N, Vermorken J, Costa A. Oncology for Medical Students: a new ESO educational avenue. Ann Oncol 16(5): 840-1, 2005

Karpozilos A, Pavlidis N. The treatment of cancer in Greek antiquity [under the auspices of the European School of Oncology]. Eur J Cancer 40: 2033-2040, 2004

Pavlidis N, Robinson E, Gerathy J, Kardamakis D, Costa A. Undergrduate education in Oncology in the Balkans and Middle East. The Metsovo Statement. Ann Oncol 8(12), 1281, 1997