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3rd ESO-EONS Masterclass in Oncology Nursing

Not eligible for ESCO credits

21.03.2009  -  26.03.2009

Sintra, Portugal




The new-formatted Masterclass in Oncology Nursing programme is designed for advanced oncology nurses as a multi-professional joint event. Five intensive days of full immersion in modern oncology will create a collective spirit of teaching and learning to improving clinical skills and patient care.

In organ-oriented Clinical sessions focusing on breast cancer, gynecological cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and lung cancer, an international faculty of experts will deliver clear knowledge of today’s practice and address cutting-edge therapeutic strategies.
Spotlight sessions will facilitate compact update on hematological cancers, development in immunotherapy, adolescent patients, cancer and pregnancy and long-term survivorship.
Nursing sessions are specific nursing-oriented sessions on communication, supportive care, symptom clusters, care of the older patient, guidelines, side effect management and symptom management.
Practical training will be offered in the frame of group mentor sessions on advanced clinical practice.

The Masterclass in
Oncology Nursing is an
ESO-EONS joint event

General information

European Oncology Nursing Society
EONS Secretariat
Att. Rudi Brike
E. Mounierlaan 83
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 27799923
Fax: +32 27799937
Email: eons.secretariat@skynet.be 
Website: www.cancerworld.org/eons

The Masterclass programme will be accredited by the European Oncology Nursing Society.

Faculty list


F. Cardoso, Jules Bordet Institute, Medical Oncology Clinic, Brussels, BE
L. Denis, Oncology Center Antwerp, Antwerp, BE
L. Fallowfield, CRUK Sussex Psychosocial Oncology Group, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Falmer, UK
M. Fey, Universitäts für Medizinische Onkologie, Inselspital, Bern, CH
J. Foubert, Association VUB/Erasmushogeschool, Dept. of Healthcare, Brussel, BE
M.Ghielmini, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Div. of Medical Oncology, Bellinzona, CH
R. Glynne-Jones, Mount Vernon Centre for Cancer Treatment, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Northwood, UK
E. Gustafsson, Karolinska University Hospital, Radiumhemmet, Head Nurse, Dept. of Oncology, Stockholm, SE
S. Junius, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Leuven, BE
R. Maguire, University of Stirling, Dept. of Nursing and Midwifery, Stirling, UK
J. Maher, Macmillan Cancer Support, Chief Medical Officer, London, UK
K. Milisen, Catholic University Leuven, Faculty of Medicine, Center for Health Services and Nursing Research, Leuven, BE
O. Pagani, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Lugano, CH
C. J.A. Punt, University Medical Center St. Radboud, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Nijmegen, NL
E. K. Ream, King's College London, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery, London, UK
N. Reed, Beatson Oncology Centre, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
M. Schuurmans, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Faculty of Health Care, Utrecht, NL
M. Simpson, Wishaw General Hospital, Management Offices, Wishaw, UK
R. Stahel, University Hospital Zürich, Clinic and Policlinic for Oncology, Zurich, CH
E. Van Cutsem, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Dept. Internal Medicine - Digestive Oncology Unit, Leuven, BE
P. Van Houtte, Institut Jules Bordet, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Bruxelles, BE
P. Van Schil, University Hospital of Antwerp, Dept. of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Edegem, BE
V. M. Veloso, Portugal Institute of Oncology, Department of Surgery, Porto, PT
J. Vermorken, University Hospital Antwerp, Department Of Oncology, Edegem, BE
Y. Wengström, Karolinska University Hospital, Section for Nursing, Huddinge, SE


21 March


Participants' arrival


Clinical session Colorectal cancer I  
Chair: E. van Cutsem, BE
 14:30 The impact of biologicals in colorectal cancer         E. van Cutsem, BE 


15:10 The multimodality treatment of liver metastases         E. van Cutsem, BE


15:50 Modern management of rectal cancer         R. Glynne-Jones, UK

 16:30Coffee break


Welcome and introduction
J. Foubert, BE
 17:30Advanced nursing practice - Introduction 
Y. Wengström, SE - M. Simpson, UK 
 19:30Welcome dinner


22 March


Clinical session Breast cancer I 
Chair: F. Cardoso, BE


8:30 Novelties in adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer        O. Pagani, CH 
 9:30 Novelties in pre-operative chemotherapy for breast cancer        F. Cardoso, BE


Coffee break


Plenary nursing session Older

 11:00 Introduction, assessment of the elderly with a focus on frailty         M. Schuurmans, NL


12:00 Example: Falls prevention         K. Milisen, BE
 14:30Plenary nursing session Cancer in the elderly 
J. Foubert, BE
 15:30Plenary nursing session Delirium Koen Milisen
K. Milisen, BE
 16:30Coffee break 
 17:00Nursing workshop sessions Advanced nursing practice
Group 1 - M. Simpson, UK
Group 2 - E. Gustafsson, SE


23 March


Clinical session Gynaecological cancers  
Chair: J. Vermorken, NL 


8:30  Epithelial ovarian cancer: More hope for improvement         J. Vermorken, NL 

 9:30  Cancer of the uterine cervix: How to prevent and to treat         N. Reed, UK


10:00 Endometrial cancer: Surgery is (still) the cornerstone of treatment         N. Reed, UK


Coffee break

 11:00Plenary nursing session Endocrine issues 
Y. Wengström, SE


Plenary nursing session Adherence 
E. Gustafsson, SE
 14:30Spotlight session Haematological diseases 
M. Ghielmini, CH
 15:30Plenary nursing session Guidelines 
J. Foubert, BE
 16:30Coffee break
 17:00Nursing workshop sessions Advanced nursing practice
Group 1 - M. Simpson, UK
Group 2 - E. Gustafsson, SE 


24 March

 8:30Clinical session State-of-the-art in endocrine therapy in prostate cancer  
Chair: L. Denis, BE


8:30   Understanding the basis and options in hormonal treatment: The new paradigm          L. Denis, BE

 9:30   Hormonal treatment in castration resistant prostate cancer          V. Veloso, PL


10:00 Radio-oncology combining hormonal treatment with appropriate radiotherapy in locally         advanced prostate cancer         S. Junius, BE


Coffee break

 11:00Plenary nursing session Symptom cluster 
R. Maguire, UK
 14:30Departure to the village of Sintra 
 15:00Guided tour of the National Palace of Sintra 
 16:30Departure in the directin of Estoril Coast 
 17:00Arrival in Cascais and free time 
 19:00Departure to the Restaurant Monte Mar, aperitif on the terrace and dinner 
 22:30Return to the venue (arrival 23:00) 


25 March

  8:30Clinical session Lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies I  
Chair: R. Stahel, CH


8:30 NSCLC - Decision making in surgery        P. Van Schil, BE
 9:10 NSCLC - Decision making in radiotherapy        P. Van Houtte, BE


9:50 NSCLC - Decision making in systemic therapy        R. Stahel, CH


Coffee break

 11:00Plenary nursing session Supportive care in advanced cancer 
E. Ream, UK


Plenary nursing session Fatigue 
E. Ream, UK
 14:30Plenary nursing session Communication 
L. Fallowfield, UK
 16:30Coffee break 
 17:00Nursing workshop sessions Advanced nursing practice  
Group 1 - E. Ream, UK
Group 2 - R. Maguire, UK


26 March

   8:30Keynote lecture - Critical interpretation of clinical trials and the respective literature 
M. Fey, CH


Spotlight session Development in immunotherapy (example of melanoma) 
C. J.A. Punt, NL
 10:30Coffee break


Spotlight session Long-term survivorship 
L. Denis, BE


11:00 Cancer as a chronic disease         J. Maher, UK

 11:30 Prognosis for long-term survivors         L. Denis, BE


 13:00Airport transfers and departures