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Scientific Co-ordinator: W.M. Wysocki, PL
Co-Chair: A. Komorowski, PL

The refreshed format of the 2016 conference will enhance learning opportunities and will include multidisciplinary interactive sessions also for non-oncologists dealing with cancer patients (radiologists, pathologists, GPs etc.).
The Conference offers plenary lectures delivered by the leading experts in the field, focusing on the state-of-the-art therapies and concluding with take-home messages. Lectures will cover the current standards of modern oncology, with special attention paid to practical aspects of effective cancer treatment.
On 22 April an interdisciplinary session will be held for physicians dealing with advanced breast cancer – the issues from diagnosis to survivors’ support will be discussed. Additional sessions will focus on lung cancer – lectures will address modern and fast diagnosis as well effective problem-solving in daily practice . Other clinically-oriented issues will be discussed too.
On 23 April the leading European experts, invited jointly by ESO and Medycyna Praktyczna - Onkologia, will deliver lectures on practical clinical issues, such as management of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, current strategies in liver tumors, management of breast cancer (including novel therapeutic options), endocrine malignancies, effective therapy for brain malignancies, skin malignancies etc.
All lectures will be interactive. An electronic system will allow participants to answer the questions, solve the quizzes and join the speakers in clinical case discussions.

• Update on the most important advances in the field of gastrointestinal malignancies, breast cancer, liver tumors, lung cancer etc.
• Improve skills and knowledge on practical clinical issues
• Understand current options for palliation in advanced malignancies

• Early and advanced breast cancer
• Malignancies of endocrine glands
• Melanoma and other skin malignancies
• Lung cancer
• Gastro-intestinal malignancies
• Primary and secondary liver tumors

Held in cooperation with




General information

Michał Bańdo
Medycyna Praktyczna - Conferences
Cholerzyn 445, 32-060 Liszki, Poland
Ph +48 12 29 34 279 - Fx +48 12 29 34 010 - Mob +48 663 430 279
e-mail: michal.bando@mp.pl - onkologia2016@mp.pl - www.mp.pl/onkologia2016


Galaxy Hotel
22a Gęsia street

Physicians from the following countries may apply for the Fryderyk Teodor Ohme Travel Grant:
Amenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazachstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Rumania, Slovak Republic, Ukraine.

The 2016 Oehme Travel Grant will consist of: free registration to the conference, two nights accomodation in Kraków (22-24 April), invitation to the faculty dinner on 22 April, 100 Euro as a partial reimboursment of travel expenses.

The deadline for applying has passed (31 January 2016).

About the Grant
Fryderyk Teodor Ohme was a Polish surgeon of German origin, who in 1773 performed the very first documented mastectomy in the territory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in a beautiful palace in the town of Nieswiez, located in todays Belarus. He personalizes unique combination of history of breast cancer surgery and history of Central and Eastern Europe.
Fryderyk Teodor Oehme Travel Grant program has been started in 2010 and since then it has been awarded to 32 young oncologist from five countries.

Faculty list

P. Blecharz, PL
J. Dobruch, PL
L. Egevad, SE
A. Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, PL
E. Kalinka-Warzocha, PL
R. Langfort, PL
D. Marquez-Medina, ES
G. Mikhaeel, UK
M. Misiak, PL
P. Potemski, PL
B. Rau, DE
M. Rubach, PL
V. Zangnolo, IT


22 April



Session I - Chemotherapy ports - Polish Vascular Access Club session

Polish Vascular Acces Club recommendations
M. Misiak, PL
Clinical cases - solutions to common vascular access complications
M. Rubach, PL
Coffee break
Session II - Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of lung cancer patients
New WHO calssification of lung cancer
R. Langfort, PL
 16:55 New kinase inhibitors in lung cancer
D. Marquez-Medina, ES
 17:25 New trends in lung cancer treatment
 17:55 Satellite session
 18:25 End of the first day

23 April

Session III - Lymphomas
Lugano criteria for stage evaluation in lymphoma
G. Mikhaeel, UK
What’s new in the treatment of lymphomas
E. Kalinka-Warzocha, PL
10:00 Coffee break
Session IV - Gastrointestinal cancers
Treatment of advanced gastric cancer

Colon cancer - KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations as predictor and prognostic factors
P. Potemski, PL
Which patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis benefit from HIPEC therapy?
B. Rau, DE
Session V - What’s new in ovarian cancer? 
Treatment of advanced ovarian cancer - tailored therapy
P. Blecharz PL
 12:45 Primary or secondary surgery in advanced ovarian cancer?
V. Zangnolo, IT
 13:15 Lunch break

Session VI - Uro-oncology    
An update on prostate cancer pathology
L. Egevad, SE
Prostate cancer. Decisions based on PSA and progression
EUA recomendations in prostate cancer
J. Dobruch, PL
Special session Legal aspects of cancer treatment in Poland 
Workshop summary
Session VII - Brast cancer treatment  

 15:20 Third Lisbon consensus
 15:40 ER-positive breast cancers. What’s new in treatment?
A. Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, PL
 16:00  Final remarks and farewell