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Advances in Radiation Therapy

Not eligible for ESCO credits


Milan, Italy


Radiation oncology


- Aspects related to the methodology of more advanced imaging techniques, in order to define the target not only from the morphological point of view, but also at the biological and molecular level.

- Modalities for incorporating these images in more advanced treatment plans (3D, inverse planning, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy).

- Techniques of precision radiotherapy, with particular emphasis on stereotactic brain and body techniques, IMRT, IORT, Brachitherapy and Hadrontherapy.

- The impact of these advances in the definition of the target and in the administration of radiotherapy not only on the treatment outcome, but also on the quality of life.

- The perspectives on integrating these new techniques with the most advanced knowledge of radiation biology, molecular biology and pharmacology.

General information

The European Institute of Oncology
Via Ripamonti , 435
20141 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39 02 5748 91
Fax: +39 02 5748 9208
Email: info@ieo.it

Rita De Martini
European School of Oncology
Viale Beatrice d’Este 37
20122 Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 4335 9611
Fax: +39 02 4335 9640
Email: rdemartini@esoncology.org

A certificate of attendance will be distributed at the end of the course.

The official language of the course is English.

The European School of Oncology has applied for CME credits to the Accreditation Council of Oncology inEurope, and the Italian Ministry of Health. The CME certificates will be distributed at the end of the meeting.