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CANCELLED: 13th ESO-EONS Masterclass in Oncology Nursing

Not eligible for ESCO credits

07.07.2021  -  11.07.2021

Tallinn, Estonia



Important information

Due to the travel restrictions related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, ESO and EONS have made the difficult decision to cancel the 13th ESO-EONS Masterclass in Oncology Nursing which was supposed to be held in Tallinn, Estonia, from 7-11 July 2021.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused but we think you’ll all agree that this solution was unavoidable.


Chair: W. Oldenmenger, NL
Coordinator: J. De Munter, BE
Advisor: R. Verity, UK

The Masterclass in Oncology Nursing programme is designed for European advanced cancer nurses as a multi-professional joint event. Five intensive days of full immersion in up-to-date oncology will create a collective spirit of teaching and learning to improving clinical skills and patient care.
Nursing sessions are specific nursing-oriented sessions exploring specialist practice skills such as assessment and decision making, communication skills, complex symptom management, research in nursing, psychosocial consequences of cancer therapy to mention a few.
Other sessions will provide the forum for reviewing and understanding the growing evidence base for nursing interventions and reflect on participant’s role in clinical leadership. Case studies will be presented by the participants and will explore nursing practice focusing on special aspects of care.
Special joint sessions, together with physicians, will highlight and support the growing need for multiprofessionality in chosen topics. Practical training will be offered in smaller group sessions, case study sessions focusing on skills necessary for patient care management.

The Masterclass aims to prepare oncology nurses for future senior roles and enhance their clinical knowledge in the management of the cancer patient during all phases of the cancer journey. Following completion of the course nurses will be able to use evidence-based knowledge in effective symptom management and interventions with the aim to improve patient experience, symptom management and care.

• Understand new developments in oncology disease management.
• Recognize and describe acute and late adverse effects of cancer and its treatment.
• Identify complex patient needs across the cancer trajectory.
• Demonstrate understanding of advanced communication skills in oncology nursing care.
• Critically appraise the evidence for cancer symptom management and care interventions.
• Reflect on theoretical underpinnings of decision making.
• Describe the role of the advanced oncology nurse in leading clinical nursing care.

The Masterclass offers plenary lectures regarding state-of-the-art clinical evaluation and treatments with reference to clinical guidelines and which will include notes and resources. Participants will be supported within small groups and discuss personal development plans with tutors in the faculty.
Skills based clinical sessions will be interactive and participants must be prepared to join in.
All participants will reside at the course venue and participation in the nursing sessions is compulsory throughout the course.
The Masterclass will be entirely in English and fluency in English is necessary for admission.
Participants of the Masterclass in Nursing Oncology will attend selected medical sessions. Clinical case studies, submitted prior to the course, will be a requirement for all participants. The faculty will evaluate which case studies will be presented for group discussion.

• A 5-day residential educational event
• Full immersion
• Clinically-oriented
• Multidisciplinary
• An international faculty of top experts delivering advanced concepts

The Masterclass in Oncology Nursing is
an ESO-EONS joint event



General information

European Oncology Nursing Society, EONS Secretariat
BLSI- bte 1.30.30 Clos Chapelle au Champs 30
301200 Brussels, Belgium
Secretariat: Rudi Brike
Phone +32 32 2 880 62 96
Email: eons.secretariat@cancernurse.eu

European School of Oncology (ESO)
Via Turati 29 - 20121 Milan, Italy
Secretariat: Alice Ciocchini
Phone: +39 02 85464529
Email: aciocchini@eso.net

The Masterclass programme will be endorsed by the European Oncology Nursing Society.


Applications for this event are closed.


Anne Arber, University of Surrey, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Guildford, GB
Giulia Baciarello, Gustave Roussy Institute, Genitourinary Oncology Dpt., Villejuif, FR
Paolo Giovanni Casali, National Cancer Institute - IRCCS Foundation, SC Oncologia Medica 2, Milano, IT
Johan De Munter, University Hospital Ghent, Cancer Centre, Ghent, BE
Andrew Hoy, Epsom, GB
Florian Lordick, University Hospital Leipzig, University Cancer Center Leipzig (UCCL), Leipzig, DE
Salvador E. Martin Algarra, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Medical Oncology Dept., Pamplona, Navarra, ES
Wendy Oldenmenger, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Medical Oncology Dpt., Rotterdam, NL
Fedro Alessandro Peccatori, European Institute of Oncology, Dept. of Fertility and Procreation in Oncology, Milano, IT
Anastasios Stathis, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Div. of Medical Oncology, Bellinzona, CH
Claire Taylor, St. Mark's Hospital, Cancer Unit, London, GB
Christos Toumpanakis, Royal Free Hospital, Centre for Gastroenterology - Neuroendocrine Tumour Unit, London, GB
Rebecca Verity, Kings College, Health Sciences, London, GB


7 July

8:15Welcome Address and brief presentation of ESO, ESMO and EONS
 8:30Communication Skills Workshop - Group BLUE
 8:30Communication Skills Workshop - Group RED
 8:30Ethical Issues Workshop - Group YELLOW
 8:30Ethical Issues Workshop - Group GREEN
10:30Coffee break
 11:00Communication Skills Workshop - Group YELLOW
 11:00Communication Skills Workshop - Group GREEN
 11:00Ethical Issues Workshop - Group BLUE
 11:00Ethical Issues Workshop - Group RED
13:00Lunch with the experts
14:00Professional expectations
15:00Primary and secundary safety
16:00Case study presentation
16:40Coffee break
17:10Developing as a Nurse - being safe
20:00Welcome dinner

8 July

10:00Case study presentation
10:40Coffee break
11:10Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment overview
12:15Cultural diversity
13:00Lunch with the experts
14:00How to write an article
15:00How a scientific article can fool you
15:30Social media and digital health
16:40Coffee break

9 July

8:30Breast cancer nursing intervention
10:00Case study presentation
10:30Coffee break
11:00Discussion about intimacy and sexuality in cancer care
12:00Peripheral neuropathies
13:00Lunch with the experts
14:00How to optimize cancer-related pain management?
14:40Case study presentation
15:20Spotlight session - Breast Cancer during pregnancy
15:50Gastro intestinal tumours diagnose and treatment overview
17:10Let's talk about dying
20:00Participants' free night/ Faculty Dinner

10 July

8:30Spotlight session - Management of NHLs
9:00Spotlight session - Neuroendocrine tumors
9:30Spotlight session - Introduction to rare cancers
10:00Coffee break
10:30Nursing interventions for GI/colorectal cancers and treatment
11:45Case study presentation
12:30Lunch with the experts
13:30Different therapies and their toxicities
15:00Case study presentations
16:00Oncology emergencies
20:00Farewell Dinner

11 July

8:30Spotlight session - Modern management of melanoma
9:00Reflections on expectations
9:30Cancer across the generations
11:00Coffee break
11:30Closing Remarks