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National Institute of Oncology Budapest

Budapest, Hungary

Person responsible for CTC programme: Dr. Zoltán Takácsi-Nagy

Hospital overview

For more than half a century, the National Institute of Oncology (NIO) has been the epidemiological, organisational, methodological, treatment, research and training centre of oncology in Hungary. The Institute has 6 research and 16 clinical departments and is the only Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) accredited by the OECI not only in Hungary, but also in the Central and Eastern European region.  The NIO operates with 347 beds and provides treatment to approximately 20,000 patients annualy. The Institute houses and manages the Hungarian National Cancer Registry. As a CCC NIO also places a special emphasis on education and holds the chair of the Semmelweis University Department of Oncology with Prof. Dr. Csaba Polgár, Director General at NIO as the Head of the Department. The Institute organises undergraduate education for medical studends in oncology in Hungarian, English and German langugages. Accredited postgraduate medical training is also offered by NIO, which is open to professionals from other institutions. The centre also provides education for nurses and other health care professionals. The NIO also participates in several projects of the  EU Cancer Mission and the Europe Beating Cancer Plan such 4.UNCAN.eu, CRanE, JANE, eCAN, PCM4EU, OriON, ECHoS, EUonQol, and the CCI4EU project.


CTC programmes offered

1. Cyberknife and stereotactic radiotherapy



Programme mentor:

Levente Jánváry M.D.

Duration: 3 months
Type: Residency and Observership
Language requirements: Good knowledge of English required
Programme description:

Getting to know the indication, preparation, teratment process, side effects, complication

Stereotactic radiotherapy of different metastatic diseases (brain, lung, liver, bone metastases) or certain solid tumours with linear accelerator os cyberknife (8 weeks)

Curative treatment of early stage, low risk prostate cancer and postoperative teratment of the tumour bed in breast cancer with cyberknife (2 weeks)

Radiotherapy of recurrences (e.g. head and neck) (2 weeks)

2. Robotic surgery

Discipline: Surgical oncology
Programme mentors:

Prof. Péter Tenke MD, DSc; Zoltán Novák MD, PhD; Tamás Mersich MD, PhD; Monika Révész MD, PhD

Duration: 3 months 
Type: Residency and Observership 
Language requirements: Good knowledge of English required
Programme description:

Getting to know the indication, the advantage, the technique and complications of the robotic surgery.

Robotic surgery of urological tumours (4 weeks)

Robotic surgery of gynecological tumours (4 weeks)

Robotic surgery of abdominal tumours (3 weeks)

Robotic surgery of head and neck tumours (1 week)

3. Chemotherapy, targeted (biological) therapy and immunotherapy of solid tumours and lymphoproliferative diseases


Medical oncology

Programme mentors:

Lajos Géczi MD, PhD; Gábor Rubovszky MD, PhD; András Masszi MD, PhD; Erika Tóth MD, PhD


3 months

Type: Residency and Observership 
Language requirements:   Good knowledge of English required
Programme description: 

Indication of chemotherapy in different solid tumours, complications and their management. (3 weeks)

Indication of targeted therapy in different solid tumours, complications and their management. (3 weeks)

Indication of immunotherapy in different solid tumours, complications and their management. (2 weeks)

Indication of systemic therapy of lymphoproliferative disease, complications and their management. (2 weeks)

Molecular pathology examinations. (2 weeks)

4. Rare tumours therapy

Discipline:  Medical oncology
Programme mentor: 

Gábor Rubovszky MD, PhD

Duration:  1 month
Type:  Residency and Observership 
Language requirements:   Good knowledge of English required
Programme description:  

Patients with rare cancers who cannot be treated with available professional guidelines. In line with international standards of complex oncotherapy care, our Institute has been accepted into the Orphanet system for rare diseases and the Rare Tumour Network coordinated by the European Association of Cancer Centres, as well as the Rare Gynaecological Tumour Network.