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European Institute of Oncology

Person responsible for CTC programme: Silvia Mauri

Hospital overview

The European Institute of Oncology started its activity in 1994 as a non-profit comprehensive cancer centre, active in three areas: clinic, research and training.

The IEO staff are driven and inspired by the following values and principles:

  • Patient focus
  • Continuous healthcare quality improvement
  • Service excellence
  • Multidisciplinary approach to clinical care
  • Participation in trial research and rapid transfer of results to the patients
  • Enhancing the value of human resources
  • European spirit and openness to international collaborations

The therapeutic approach for each patient at the Institute is discussed at weekly meetings attended by all the clinical divisions involved in the treatment process (Radiation Oncology and Barchitherapy, Medical and Haemato-Oncology, H&N, Thoracic and Abdominal surgery, Gynaecological and Urological surgery, Breast and Plastic surgery, Melanoma and Sarcoma, Interventional Radiology, Molecular Medicine Unit) Pain Free Hospital Project since 2000, symptom control, palliative and supportive care are part of everyday cancer care management. A dedicated Supportive and Palliative Care Division takes care of difficult patients in conjunction with the Psycho-oncology Division. Nurses are organized following primary nursing model, in the research area there is a research nurses team.

CTC programmes offered

  1. Research Nursing area

Programme mentor: Silvia Mauri

Duration: 1 month

Observership or Residency: Observership

Language requirements: English

Programme description: Nursing school, research nurses team work together to implement the nursing research area where all clinical trial from phase 0 to phase III are managed by research nurses and open questions about evidence based nursing are investigated and new evidence based practice guideline are developed by student nurses with tutors. This area also investigates nursing sensitive outcome in oncology patients.