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The Royal Marsden – NHS Foundation Trust

London, UK

Person responsible for CTC programme: Dr. Susana Banerjee

Hospital overview

The Royal Marsden Hospital is a world-leading cancer centre specialising in diagnosis, treatment, care, education and research. Together with its academic partner, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), it comprises one of the largest comprehensive cancer centres in Europe, employing over 3,000 scientific, clinical and nursing staff. The joint institution demonstrates the breadth and depth in basic biomedical, translational and clinical research, and provides a highly active clinical research environment where the majority of senior clinicians are engaged in leading or supporting research projects and clinical trials. The Royal Marsden Hospital provides inpatient, day care and outpatient services for cancer patients. There are over 500 clinical research projects active at any one time and high patient recruitment rates to clinical trials.

The Royal Marsden Hospital offers training to medical oncologists, clinical oncologists and surgical oncologists. A fellowship at the Royal Marsden Hospital offers valuable education from leaders in the field, providing fellows with opportunities to develop clinical and research skills to become future leaders in oncology. Surgical oncologists will only be accepted for 'residency' fellowships.

Please be aware that Residency fellows will need to obtain GMC registration in order to practise in the UK. Please review their website for details on what this involves https://www.gmc-uk.org/ before applying.

CTC programmes offered

1. Paediatric Oncology programme

Discipline: Paediatric oncology
Programme mentor:

Dr Elsje van Rijswijk

Duration: 3 - 6 months
Type: Visiting Residency and Visiting Observership
Language requirements: Fluent in English
Programme description:

Children and young People’s unit at the Royal Marsden Hospital is a modern unit , in the setting of a specialist cancer hospital, comprising of a 18 bed paediatric in-patient ward, 13 bed teenage and young adults (TYA) ward. In addition there is a day unit and out patients department, serving the south east of England including South London. The unit is one of the 2 joint Primary Treatment Centres (PTC) in London and patients are referred from 5 cancer networks. The department works in close partnership with St. George’s hospital and has strong academic links with the Institute of Cancer Research. 

Approximately 250 new patients are referred every year and the department has an active haematopoietic stem cell transplant and neurooncology  programme. The department has a strong drug development focus and is the lead for several early and late phase trials within UK and Europe.

A 3-6 month clinical fellowship is an exciting opportunity to gain clinical experience in the management of paediatric and adolescent oncology in a world-leading centre.  The candidate will have opportunities to learn from the busy clinical practice and strong research focus.

Fellows will be based across the Royal Marsden hospital at Sutton (Surrey) site.

Head of Department: Dr Donna Lancaster