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EASO Course on Lights and Shadows in the Management of Prostate Cancer

12 ESCO credits

25.10.2013  -  26.10.2013

Marrakech, Pullman Palmeraie Resort


Prostate cancer


Chairs: A. Alcaraz, ES - K. Touijer, US/MA

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the EASO Course on Lights and Shadows in the Management of Prostate Cancer.

As you can see from the programme, we have an array of experts, both from Arab and European countries, who will discuss many timely topics in the prostate cancer field. The programme has taken into account the progress made in surgery, radiation oncology, and medical oncology and should give enough time for everyone to discuss the applicability of recent advances. We will have as special feature the possibility of case presentations throughout the meeting which will be presented by participants, with the aim of facilitating as much as possible interaction and discussion between audience and faculty.

While the School has done its best to invite a very dedicated Faculty, the success of this course will be made by you, by your questions and your participation. We look forward to the interaction with all of you.

Antonio Alcaraz and Karim Touijer
Course Chairs


General information

Daniela Mengato
Euro-Arab School of Oncology (EASO) 
Via Turati, 29 - 20121 Milan, Italy
Ph: +39 02 85464523
Fax: +39 02 85464545

All participants will be issued a certificate of attendance at the end of the course upon completion of the evaluation form.

The official language of the course will be English and fluency in English is necessary for admission.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

The badge is the only official evidence of registration and should be worn at all times during the course. Loss of badge means loss of registration.

The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the course. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.

Sharing Progress in Cancer Care programme (SPCC) is a pioneering partnership between the European School of Oncology (ESO) and some of the world’s leading pharmaceuticals companies.
This course is organized through an unrestricted grant provided by Sanofi Oncology, sustaining member of the SPCC programme.



Faculty list

H. Ahmed, University College London Hospital, UK
A. Alcaraz, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, ES
M. Al Otaibi, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, KSA
K. Atallah, St Augustin Medical Center, Tunis, TN
A. Bahl, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK
N. Benchakroun, Centre Mohamed VI contre le Cancer, Casablanca, MA
A. Bossi, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR
K. Bouzid, Centre Pierre et Marie Curie d'Alger, DZ 
A. Briganti, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy
G. Conti, S. Anna Hospital, Como, IT
K. Fizazi, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR
F. Geara, American University of Beirut, LB
W. Hassen, John Hopkins University/Tawam Hospital, Al-Ain, UAE
A. Joual, Societé Marocaine d’Urologie, Casablanca, MA
T. Karmouni, Hopital Avicenne, Rabat, MA
N. Mottet Auselo, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-Etienne, FR
J. Romero, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES
A. Shamseddine, American University of Beirut, LB
B. Tombal, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, BE
K. Touijer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, US/MA
R. Valdagni, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT





 25 October
Chairs: A. Alcaraz, ES - A. Joual, MA

Active surveillance
Pianist: R. Valdagni, IT - Shooter: K. Atallah, TN

 09:00 Imaging in prostate cancer
T. Karmouni, MA
 09:15 Risk stratification schemas and predictive models in prostate cancer
K. Touijer, US/MA
 09:30 Clinical cases presentation and discussion in small groups
- A1. Low risk patient
- A2. Intermediate risk
- A3. Frail low risk patient
 10:30 Interactive clinical cases discussion in plenary session (panel A1, A2, A3)



Focal therapies 
Pianist: H. Ahmed, UK - Shooter: F. Geara, LB


Prayer and lunch break

Chairs: G. Conti, IT - F. Geara, LB

Adjuvant versus salvage radiation therapy: when and how ?
Pianist: N. Benchakroun, MA - Shooter: A. Briganti, IT


Clinical cases presentation and discussion in small groups
           B1. Diagnostic problems          B2. Role of Surgery          B3. Role of radiation therapy

 16:00 Coffee break
 16:30 Interactive clinical cases discussion in plenary session (panel B1, B2, B3)

Role of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in prostate cancer (with radiation therapy/with surgery)
Pianist: B. Tombal, BE - Shooter: W. Hassen, UAE

 26 October
Chairs: A. Bossi, FR - M. Alotaibi, KSA

Salvage treatments for radiation therapy failures
Pianist: K. Touijer, US/MA - Shooter: A. Bossi, FR

 09:00 Clinical cases presentation and discussion in small groups
- C1. Focus on diagnostic problems – choline CT-PET for rising PSA after local therapy ?
- C2. Focus on role of surgery
- C3. Focus on role of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)
 10:00 Coffee break
 11:00 Interactive clinical cases discussion in plenary session (panel C1, C2, C3)

Measuring side effects of treatment with validated instruments
A. Joual, MA


Management of urinary dysfunction
W. Hassen, UAE

 12:10 Management of erectile dysfunction
J. Romero, ES 
 12:30 Lunch break
Chairs: K. Touijer, MA/US - K. Bouzid, DZ

Role of local control
N. Mottet, FR


SRE prevention
Pianist: K. Fizazi, FR - Shooter: A. Shamseddine, LB

 15:00 Clinical cases presentation and discussion in small groups
- D1. First diagnosis M+ patient
- D2. PSA progression during HT without met (non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer)
- D3. Patient with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
 16:00 Coffee break  

Interactive clinical cases discussion in plenary session (panel D1, D2, D3)

 17:30 New frontiers for castration-resistant prostate cancer
A. Bahl, UK
 18:00 Closing remarks
 20:00 Dinner