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Educational Committee: N. Pavlidis, GR - R. Poetter, AT - S. Sandrucci, IT - J.B. Vermorken, BE
Local Organisers: R. Madry, PL - J. Markowska, PL

Testimonials received from faculty and participants of the course.

ESO, ESSO and ESTRO are pleased to announce the jointly organised multidisciplinary course in oncology for medical students. The key goal of this course is encouraging medical students to specialize in an oncology related discipline. Previous editions organized by ECCO since 2005 got very positive and enthusiastic feedback from the students who had spent two weeks over summer with experienced teachers to receive theoretical and practical training in cancer care.
The multidisciplinary course in oncology will provide insight into all aspects of oncology with both theoretical and practical sessions. The programme incorporates plenary sessions, case study presentations, daily special visits to various oncology departments and group course projects that must be finalized and presented at the end of the course.
The course has been designated for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System Credits (ECTS).

• Improve understanding of all aspects of oncology
• Experience the complexity and importance of the multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment
• Learn by developing and presenting a specific topic related to the theoretical and/or practical sessions

• History, epidemiology, genetics, diagnostics, treatment principles and therapeutic approaches, prevention and screening
• Communication with the patient
• Breast cancer
• Colorectal cancer
• Gastro-intestinal cancers
• Genito-urinary cancers
• Gynaecological cancers
• Head and neck cancer
• Lung cancer
• Sarcoma and melanoma

The course is held in collaboration with            
and in cooperation with            

General information

Christine Verfaillie
European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
ESTRO School
Christine Verfaillie, COO
Rue Martin V 40
1200 Brussels, Belgium  
Ph +32 2 7759349 - Fx +32 2 779 54 94 - e-mail: education@estro.org   

University Didactic and Congress Center
37A Przybyszewskiego Street,
Website: hwww.ckd.ump.edu.pl/teksty.php?plik=sale.php

• Ten working days 
• The programme covers all aspects of oncology 
• Theoretical plenary sessions of maximum 2 hours 
• Case presentations 
• Daily two-hour practical sessions in small groups (labs, ward visits, etc)  
• Preparation in small working groups of a presentation on a specific topic under the supervision of a teacher.  The last day will be devoted to the project presentations delivered by the students (compulsory) Students are requested to bring their laptops to the course 
• The official language is English - students must be fluent in English

• Selected participants will benefit from free registration, lunches and accommodation
• Arriving late for the start of the course or leaving early at the end are not acceptable. To receive course credit, attendance throughout the entire session is required
• The course will start on Monday 29 August 2016 at 09:00 and end on Friday 9 September 2016 at 17:00. Participants should arrive on Sunday 28 August 2016 in the afternoon; a welcome reception will be organised by the host institute in the evening
• A visit to the city of Poznan is scheduled during the course and the course closes with a farewell party.

Local transport: public transport tickets will be provided to reach the University - please bring your ISIC (International Student Identity Card); for the daily visits to various oncology departments a bus is foreseen.

Arrival time

Students are expected on Sunday morning (28.08.2016) or Saturday evening (27.08.2016), a welcome reception is foreseen on Sunday evening

Social activities
- Poznan guide tour,
- Camp fire eve,
- Visiting the Lech Brewery - http://www.zwiedzaniebrowaru.pl/en/index




Faculty list


Educational Comittee
J. Vermorken, Medical Oncologist, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, BE
N. Pavlidis, ESO Representative, School of Medicine University of Ioannina, Greece, GR
R. Pötter, ESTRO Representative, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT
S. Sandrucci, ESSO representative, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, IT

H. Batura-Gabryel, Pulmonologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
S. Cofta, Pulmonologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
J. De Grève, Medical Oncologist, UZ Brussels (VUB), Brussels, BE
H.H. Flechtner, Psychiatrist, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatische Medizin des Kindes- und Jugendalters der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, DE
W. Golusinski, Laryngologist, Greater Poland Cancer Center, Poznan, PL
M. Komarnicki, Hematologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
R. Madry, Gynaecological Oncologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
J. Markowska, Gynaecological Oncologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
P. Milecki, Radiation Oncologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland; Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poznan, PL
J. Moczko, Statistician, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
D. Murawa, Surgical Oncologist, Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poznan, PL
J. Nowak, Geneticist, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL
K. Rozowski, Medical Oncologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
S. Sandrucci, Surgical Oncologist, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, IT
D. Schrijvers, Medical Oncologist, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, BE
E. Senkus-Konefka, Radiation Oncologist, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, PL
P. Tomczak, Medical Oncologist, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
M. Valli, Radiation Oncologist, San Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona, CH
J. Vermorken, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, BE
W.J. Pediatrician, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL

Local organisers
B. Madry, Poznan University of Medical  Sciences, Poznan, PL
J. Markowska, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL
