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Chair: M.F. Fey, CH - E. Zucca, CH
Hosting Chair: F. Cavalli, CH

Dear Colleagues,

Over the past twenty years or so, this course has become a renowned programme for physicians and scientists with an interest in the diagnosis and treatment of haematological cancers. It typically draws participants from most if not all continents and thus allows for a stimulating truly international gathering of colleagues interested in lymphoma and leukaemia. Oncology or haematology trainees are just as welcome as are experienced colleagues looking for a refresher course.

The international faculty, including ICML key note lecturers, will guide us through the complexity of the biology and the most relevant clinical problems in leukaemia and lymphoma, offering plenary lectures, practice-oriented training through case presentations, workshops in small groups and ample discussion slots. Care will be taken to avoid duplications of presentations later scheduled for the Lugano Conference.

The format of the residential course will furthermore offer opportunities for informal exchange of ideas, views and experience among the participants and with the faculty.

The close co-operation between the ESO Course Chairmen and the ICML Committee will assure an optimal co-ordination of the topics between the course and the ICML Congress.  As a particular feature the Ascona course will include important  topics and presentations that benefit from the smaller format emphasising clinical judgment and individualisation of treatment, thus complementing the presentations typically offered at large and busy conferences.

Attendance to the course will be by registration on a first-come/first-served basis. However, to respect the layout and objectives of the course, attendance will be limited to 80 participants.

We are much looking forward to meeting and working with you at the beautiful campus on Monte Verità near Ascona, in the lovely Italian-speaking South of Switzerland.

Yours sincerely,

Martin F. Fey, MD - Emanuele Zucca, MD
Course Chairs

• Learn or reinforce knowledge on modern diagnostic tools in haemato-oncology
• Understand the molecular pathology of leukaemia and lymphoma
• Retain the salient clinical features of important lymphoma or leukaemia entities
• Discuss and weigh evidence favouring particular treatment options in haematological oncology
• Learn how to handle complications of treatment for lymphoma and leukaemia

General information

European School of Oncology, ESO Bellinzona Office
Piazza Indipendenza 2, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Ph +41 91 820 0952, fx +41 91 820 0953

The course will be held at the Centro Congressi Monte Verità (www.monteverita.org) in Ascona (Southern Switzerland) located on a beautiful hill overlooking Ascona and the Lago Maggiore.
The airport of reference is Lugano. The Malpensa Airport will not be served with transfers.

Transfers will be organised at given times for arrivals on Saturday , 13 June and for departures on Tuesday, 16 June as indicated in the tables below.
After having registered to the course, participants will be offered the option to register to the transfers as well (only ONE option can be selected).

Arrivals - Saturday, 13 June

Pick up time


Arrival at venue

 Lugano airport  




 Lugano railway station 




 Locarno railway station 




 Lugano airport
 14:00 14:45
 Locarno railway station 14:00 14:30
Departures - Tuesday, 16 June
 From course venue to: Departure time from course  Arrival time
 Lugano airport 7:00 8:00
 Lugano railway station and
ICML Congress
 8:00 9:00
 Locarno railway station 8:00 8:30


All participants will be able to print their own certificate on the completion of the online evaluation form.

The Leukaemia and Lymphoma course is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), www.uems.net
The Leukaemia and Lymphoma course  is designated for up to 15 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at www.ama-assn.org/go/internationalcme

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

The programme is furthermore accredited with 18 ESMO-MORA category 1 points.

A limited number of Hans Wyder fellowships are available to cover registration, accommodation (in sharing room) and travel costs.
Fellowships are restricted to participants below the age of 40 coming from countries defined as low-income economies by the World Bank http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups
To apply for a fellowship, please provide ESO by  27 February 2015  with your short CV (including date of birth), letter describing the motivation to attend the course and an indication of the amount required to cover travel costs.

The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the course. Participants are advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.

The ESO course is held in co-operation with the Organising Committee and will precede the 13th ICML (17-20 June 2015, Lugano, Switzerland).  The  13th-ICML conference will provide the worldwide most important forum for the discussion of all aspects relating to malignant lymphoma.
ICML and the ESO course are two separate events that require registration to one or the other, or both.
For further information please contact cristiana.brentan@lymphcon.ch or visit www.lymphcon.ch

Faculty list

R.H. Advani, Stanford Cancer Institute, Lymphoma Programme, Palo Alto, US
J. Bernhard
, Berne University, Inselspital,  Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, Berne, CH
F. Cavalli, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
M.F. Fey, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, Berne, CH
R. Gascoyne, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Department of Pathology and Lymphoid cancer Research,  Vancouver, CA
T. Geiser, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Berne, CH
M. Ghielmini, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
C.W. Hess, Berne University, Inselspital,  Department of Neurology, Berne, CH
G. Illerhaus
, Stuttgart Cancer Center, Department of Haematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine, Stuttgart, DE
S. Luminari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Oncology Centre, Dpt of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine,  Modena, IT
G. Merlini, University of Pavia, Department of Molecular Medicine, Pavia, IT
A. Neubauer, Philipps University, Department of Hematology/Oncology, Marburg, DE
T. Pabst, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, Berne, CH
D. Rossi
, Amedeo Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont, Department of Haematology, Novara, IT
G. Salles
, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud - Hospices Civils de Lyon, Department of Hematology, Lyon, FR
M. Seitz
, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Berne, CH
J. Seymour
, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Division of Cancer Medicine, Victoria, AU
G. Stuessi, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
J. M. Vose, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, Hematology-Oncology Section, Nebraska, US
W. Wilson, National Cancer Institute, Lymphoid Malignancies Branch, Bethesda, MD, US
S. Zimmerli, Berne University, Inselspital ,  Department of Infectiology, Berne, CH
E. Zucca, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH










Introduction to the course 
M.F. Fey, CH


Symposium: general introduction            
Chair: F. Cavalli, CH


15:15 Principles of molecular biology of leukaemias and lymphomas                         A. Neubauer, DE
16:05 New lymphoma staging in the PET era                E. Zucca, CH
16:45 Quality of care assessment and certificates in haematological oncology: are we getting our money's worth?           M.F. Fey, CH


Coffee break


 Workshop sessions I (4 groups, rotating) 

  Group 1 Communication with cancer patients            J. Bernhard, CH
Group 2 Cancer patients with neutropenia and fever (case  discussions)            S. Zimmerli, CH
Group 3 Lymphoma pathology seminar            R. Gascoyne, CA

Group 4
Leukaemia diagnostics            T. Pabst, CH
 19:30 Dinner 




 Workshop sessions II (4 groups, rotating) 
  Group 2 Communication with cancer patients            J. Bernhard, CH
Group 3 Cancer patients with neutropenia and fever (case discussions)            S. Zimmerli, CH
Group 4 Lymphoma pathology seminar            R. Gascoyne, CA

Group 1
Leukaemia diagnostics            T. Pabst, CH


 Coffee break


 Symposium: Lymphoma I 
Chair: J.M. Vose, US


 10:30 Management of follicular lymphoma                G. Salles, FR
11:10 Marginal zone lymphoma (nodal and extranodal)             E. Zucca, CH
11:40 Management of patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma             S. Luminari, IT
12:10 What is the role of high dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support in lymphoma?            J.M. Vose, US




 Symposium: Lymphoma II 
Chair: R.H. Advani, US

13:45 The standard therapy for Hodgkin's disease  
         R.H. Advani, US
14:30 CNS lymphoma                         G. Illerhaus, DE
15:15 Treating lymphomas without chemotherapy            M. Ghielmini, CH

 16:00 Coffee break
  16:30 Burkitt's lymphoma                        W. Wilson, US


 Workshop sessions III (4 groups, rotating)
  Group 3 Communication with cancer patients            J. Bernhard, CH
Group 4 Cancer patients with neutropenia and fever (case discussions)            S. Zimmerli, CH
Group 1 Lymphoma pathology seminar            R. Gascoyne, CA

Group 2
Leukaemia diagnostics            T. Pabst, CH
 19:30  Dinner




 Workshop sessions IV  (4 groups, rotating) 
  Group 4 Communication with cancer patients            J. Bernhard, CH
Group 1 Cancer patients with neutropenia and fever (case discussions)            S. Zimmerli, CH
Group 2 Lymphoma pathology seminar            R. Gascoyne, CA

Group 3
Leukaemia diagnostics            T. Pabst, CH


 Coffee break


 Contribution of colleagues from other areas (case discussions)    
Chair: to be confirmed
10:30 When rheumatology and haem onc are combined         M. Seitz, CH - M.F. Fey, CH      
11:15 Cases that require the help of a chest physician         T. Geiser, CH and M.F. Fey, CH
12:00 Neurological problems in leukaemia and lymphoma            C.W. Hess, CH
 12:45 Lunch
 14:00 Symposium: Troublesome immunoglobulins 
Chair: G. Stuessi, CH
  14:00 Amyloidosis  
         G. Merlini, IT
14:45 Immune disorders in lymphoma patients: AIHA and ITP                 J. Seymour, AU 


 Coffee break


 Symposion: Leukaemias  
Chair: to be confirmed

16:00 Acute myeloblastic leukaemias: therapy         T. Pabst, CH  
16:45 Chronic myeloproliferative disorders other than CML         G. Stuessi, CH
17:30 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia         D. Rossi, IT




