15 ESCO credits
15.06.2019 - 17.06.2019
Lugano, Switzerland
Chairs: D. Rossi, CH - L. Sehn, CA - E. Zucca, CH
Hosting Chair: F. Cavalli, CH
Over the past twenty-five years or so, this course has become a renowned programme for physicians and scientists with an interest in the diagnosis and treatment of haematological cancers. It typically draws participants from most if not all continents and thus allows for a stimulating truly international gathering of colleagues interested in lymphoma and leukaemia. Oncology or haematology trainees are just as welcome as are experienced colleagues looking for a refresher course.
The international faculty, including ICML key note lecturers, will guide us through the complexity of the biology and the most relevant clinical problems in lymphoma, offering plenary lectures, practice-oriented training through case presentations, workshops in small groups and ample discussion slots. The course is aimed at providing a perfect introduction to the Lugano Conference.
The format of the residential course will furthermore offer opportunities for informal exchange of ideas, views and experience among the participants and with the faculty.
The close co-operation between the ESO Course Chairs and the ICML Committee will assure an optimal co-ordination of the topics between the course and the ICML Congress. As a particular feature the course will include important topics and presentations that benefit from the smaller format emphasising clinical judgment and individualisation of treatment, thus complementing the presentations typically offered at large and busy conferences.
Attendance to the course will be by registration and will be limited to 80 participants.
We are much looking forward to meeting and working with you. The course which was usually held in Monte Verità near Ascona will this year be held in Lugano at the Hotel De La Paix.
• Learn or reinforce knowledge on modern diagnostic tools in haemato-oncology
• Understand the molecular pathology of lymphoma
• Retain the salient clinical features of important lymphoma entities
• Discuss and weigh evidence favouring particular treatment options in haematological oncology
• Become aware of the most important “open questions” and “unmet needs” in the management of the main lymphoma entities.
An intensive and interactive course held in co-operation with and preceding the 15th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma
FACULTY (as of February 2019)
R.H. Advani, Stanford Cancer Institute, Lymphoma Programme, Palo Alto, CA, US
T.T. Batchelor, Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Centre, Boston, MA, US
F. Cavalli, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
L. Ceriani, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
B. Chapuy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Göttingen, DE
A. Davies, Cancer Research UK Centre, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK
L. de Leval, Lausanne University Hospital, Pathology Department, Lausanne, CH
M.F. Fey, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, Berne, CH
B. Gerber, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
M. Ghielmini, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
P.W.M. Johnson, Cancer Research UK Centre, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK
R. Kueppers, University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research), Essen, DE
A.M. Melnick, Weill Cornell Medical College, Joan and Sanford I. Weill Department of Medicine, New York, US
G. Merlini, University of Pavia, Department of Molecular Medicine, Pavia, IT
A. Moccia, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
S.S. Neelapu, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma, Houston, TX, US
U. Novak, Berne University, Inselspital, Department of Medical Oncology, Berne, CH
D. Rossi, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
S. Rule, University of Plymouth, Faculty of Medicine, Plymouth, UK
L. Sehn, University of British Columbia Cancer Agency, Lymphoma Tumour Group, Vancouver, CA
A. Stathis, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
A. Younes, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Lymphoma Service, New York, US
E. Zucca, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
General information
European School of Oncology
Piazza Indipendenza 2
6500 Bellinzona
Dolores Knupfer, Ph +41 91 820 0952, Email:
Laura Richetti, Ph +41 91 820 0951, Email:
The course will be held at the Hotel De La Paix in Lugano (Southern Switzerland)
The event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The evaluation of the event has been performed by the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE) that acknowledged the quality of the scientific programme and its educational value.
The event is designated for a maximum of 12 European CME credits (ECMEC).
Through an agreement between UEMS and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in relation to the participation in the event. Participants will be advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.
The ESO course is held in co-operation with the Organising Committee and will precede the 15th ICML (18-22 June 2019, Lugano, Switzerland). The 15th ICML conference will provide the worldwide most important forum for the discussion of all aspects relating to malignant lymphoma. ICML and the ESO course are two separate events that require registration to one or the other, or both.
For further information please contact or visit
The programme is designed for postgraduate medical doctors at any stage of clinical career who are interested in haematological oncology. A mix of experienced clinicians or pathologists etc., and oncology/haematology trainees is welcome. Scientists (PhD) are very welcome too, but they should be advised that the course will emphasise clinical aspects rather than basic biology.
The registration is closed.
The registration fee of EUR 380 includes all lectures and workshop sessions, access to the event dedicated website, coffee breaks and lunches at the course venue and according to the programme. Registration does not include accommodation which should be booked separately.
Cancellation should be notified to the organiser as soon as possible and in writing. If notification reaches the organiser by 14 April 2019, the registration fee, less EUR 75.- for administrative costs, will be refunded.
Wyder's Travel Grants
A limited number of Hans Wyder travel grants are available on a competitive basis to:
• Physicians from middle- and low-income countries as defined by The World Bank;
• Physicians under the age of 40;
Travel grant recipients will receive a set amount to contribute to their travel and accommodation expenses, whilst registration will be processed directly by the organisers.
The following amounts will be refunded by bank transfer after the Conference:
• EUR 750 for participants coming from Europe, Middle-East and North-Africa;
• EUR 1250 for participants coming from other regions and overseas.
The application deadline has passed.
The following are recommended hotels located close to the conference venue.
For bookings please contact the hotel directly.
Hotel de la Paix **** (Distance to the venue: course venue)
Novotel Lugano **** (Distance to the venue: 200 m)
Hotel Colorado *** (Distane to the venue: 1100 m)
Hotel IBIS Lugano Paradiso ** (Distance to the venue: 200 m)
15 June
13:15 | Registration |
13:45 | Introduction to the course E. Zucca, CH |
Essential prerequisites before attending this course and the ICML Chair: E. Zucca, CH |
14:00 | Basics of B-NHL biology A.M. Melnick, US |
14:45 | Basics of HL biology R. Kueppers, DE |
15:30 | Basics of PTCLs biology L. de Leval, BE |
16:15 | Clinical implications of the 2016 WHO classification R. Advani, US |
16:45 | Coffee break | |
17:15 | Workshop sessions I (4 groups, rotating) • Group 1 Basics of PET-CT (L. Ceriani, CH) • Group 2 Powerpoint (E. Zucca, CH) • Group 3 NGS and similar tools (U. Novak, CH) • Group 4 Lymphoma pathology for clinicians (L. de Leval, BE) |
16 June
8:45 | Workshop sessions II (4 groups, rotating) • Group 2 Basics of PET-CT (L. Ceriani, CH) • Group 3 Powerpoint (E. Zucca, CH) • Group 4 NGS and similar tools (U. Novak, CH) • Group 1 Lymphoma pathology for clinicians (L. de Leval, BE) |
Immunotherapy Chair: D. Rossi, CH |
9:30 | Principles of Lymphoma Immunology and rationale for new immunology treatments B. Chapuy, DE |
10:00 | Immune checkpoint inhibitors: Where do we stand A. Younes, US |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | CAR-T Cell Therapy: Where do we stand S.S. Neelapu, US |
11:30 | Special Lecture: The AML Paradigm: From 3-7 to everybody to genetic-driven treatments M.F. Fey, CH |
12:15 | Lunch | |
Main Indolent Entities Chair: D. Rossi, CH |
14:00 | SMZL E. Zucca, CH |
14:30 | WM G. Merlini, IT |
15:00 | CLL D. Rossi, CH |
15:30 | Case discussion B. Gerber, CH and A. Moccia, CH |
16:15 | Coffee break | |
16:45 | Workshop sessions III (4 groups, rotating) • Group 3 Basics of PET-CT (L. Ceriani, CH) • Group 4 Powerpoint (E. Zucca, CH) • Group 1 NGS and similar tools (U. Novak, CH) • Group 2 Lymphoma pathology for clinicians (L. de Leval, BE) |
17 June
8:45 | Workshop sessions IV (4 groups, rotating) • Group 4 Basics of PET-CT (L. Ceriani, CH) • Group 1 Powerpoint (E. Zucca, CH) • Group 2 NGS and similar tools (U. Novak, CH) • Group 3 Lymphoma pathology for clinicians (L. de Leval, BE) |
The Big Game Chair: F. Cavalli, CH |
9:30 | FL chemo or chemo-free? M. Ghielmini, CH |
10:00 | DLBCL Subtype-specific approaches? A. Davies, UK |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Hodgkin: Kairos vs chronos (escalate or de -escalate?) P.W.M. Johnson, UK |
11:30 | Novel approaches for the clinical trial design in hemato-oncology A. Stathis, CH |
12:15 | Lunch | |
Other aggressive conditions Chair: L. Sehn, CA |
14:00 | High-Grade B-Cell NHL and BL L. Sehn, CA |
14:30 | Mantle cell lymphoma S. Rule, UK |
15:00 | Primary and secondary CNS involvement T.T. Batchelor, US |
15:30 | Case discussion B. Gerber, CH and A. Moccia, CH |
16:15 | Course evaluation |