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4th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology

Not eligible for ESCO credits

05.03.2005  -  11.03.2005

Nicosia / Limassol, Cyprus


Medical / clinical oncology


Application deadline: 15 DECEMBER 2004

- A one-week residential educational event
- Full immersion
- Clinically-oriented
- Multidisciplinary
- An international faculty of experts delivering lectures focusing on lung, breast, corectal,prostate, gynaecological, head and neck cancers and lymphomas.

The Masterclass is CME accredited by the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe which certifies that the programme is recognised a high quality value both from a scientific and didactic point of view. ACOE granted 35 CME points. The programme is also being assessed by the Eruopean Union of Medical Sepcialits (UEMS).

Aims and objectives
ESO is pleased to announce its fourth Masterclass in Clinical Oncology. This clinically oriented, evidence based educational programme has been designed for dedicated physicians who wish to improve their skills in the management of cancer patients, and will expose participants to a full spectrum of issues in clinical oncology. It is designed to offer a unique learning experience providing practice-oriented training. The programme focuses on lung, breast, colorectal, prostate, gynaecological, head and neck cancers and lymphomas and will encompass general issues in clinical oncology.

Teaching format
The Masterclass offers plenary lectures with state-of-the-art treatments concluded in takehome messages, tutor co-ordinated working groups, case presentations by participants and discussions with the faculty and the audience.

All participants will reside at the course venue and participation is compulsory throughout the

The Masterclass will be entirely in English and fluency in English is necessary for admission.

General information

For more information contact:

Chatrina Melcher
Bellinzona Office
IOSI Building, Ospedale Reg. Bellinzona e Valli
CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Tel: +41 91 8118050 - Fax: +41 91 8118051
E-mail: masterclass@esoncology.org