Advances in Radiation Therapy
Not eligible for ESCO credits
15.02.2006 - 17.02.2006
Milano, Italia
Please activity_note that the course venue has changed: Università degli Studi di Milano |
Only for Italian participants: il corso ha ottenuto 16 crediti ECM per le figure professionali dei medici e dei fisici. Si ricorda che per ottenere l'accreditamento è necessario partecipare a tutte le sessioni del corso (3 giorni interi). I certificati ECM verranno inviati via posta dopo la fine del corso.
General information
Please activity_note that the course venue has changed: Università degli Studi di Milano |
Rita De Martini
European School of Oncology
V.le Beatrice D’Este, 37
20122 Milan - Italy
Tel: +39 02 85464527
Fax: +39 02 85464545/44/46
How to get there
The University of Milan is located in the centre of the city.
The nearest underground stops are Missori (line 3 – yellow) or Duomo and S. Babila (line 1 – red).
The official language of the course is English and no simultaneous translation will be provided.
A certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants at the end of the course. Participants will also be entitled to European CME (or Italian ECM) credits if they attend all course sessions.
The badge is the only official evidence of registration and should be worn at all times during the course. Loss of badge means loss of registration.
The Organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the course. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.
Important deadlies
31 October 2005: Booking of hotel accommodation
20 January 2006: Early registration