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Saving Lives in Cancer: policies and practices that make a difference

Not eligible for ESCO credits

21.11.2006  -  22.11.2006

Brussels, Belgium




The conference is held in collaboration with:


and under the auspices of:


General information

 Conference VenueRenaissance Brussels HotelRue du Parnasse 19, Brussels 1050, Belgium Tel:  +32 2 5052929 - Fax:  +32 2 5052555 Official LanguageThe official language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. CertificatesA certificate of attendance will be distributed at the end of the conference. BadgeThe badge is the only official evidence of registration and should be worn at all times during the conference. Loss of badge means loss of registration. Insurance

The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the conference. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.

Chatrina Melcher
European School of Oncology
ESO Bellinzona Office
IOSI, Ospedale Regionale
CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
ph +41 91 811 8050; fx +41 91 811 8051, eso2@esoncology.org


The abstract submission deadline is past.