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The Role of Endoscopy in the Management of Gastrointestinal Neoplasia

Not eligible for ESCO credits

02.03.2006  -  03.03.2006

Stresa, Italy


Gastro-intestinal tumours


Only for Italian participants: il corso ha ottenuto 10 crediti ECM per la figura professionale dei medici. Si ricorda che per ottenere l'accreditamento è necessario partecipare a tutte le sessioni del corso (2 giorni interi). I certificati ECM verranno inviati via posta dopo la fine del corso.

The course has obtained 12 ECMEC points (European CME credits)

This course is intended to provide the latest information in the endoscopic management of a wide range of gastro-intestinal neoplasia. The most recent and evolving  endoscopic techniques will be presented along with current management issues. These topics will be addressed by formal lecture presentations, directed commentary after each presentation by an expert in the subject, and through interactive case-based discussions.

General information

Course venue
Hotel La Palma
Lungolago Umberto I
28838 Stresa (VB) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0323 32401
Fax: +39 0323 933930


How to get there

By car: from Milan, take the A8 highway, “Laghi – Sesto Calende – Varese