Thyroid and Colorectal Cancer
Not eligible for ESCO credits
11.04.2006 - 12.04.2006
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear Colleague,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Sofia during spring time, to the European School of Oncology's "THYROID AND COLORECTAL CANCER" course.
This course aims to present the latest developments in research and clinical practice for these two cancer diseases.
Thyroid cancer is an indolent slow-growing cancer, but if not treated properly fatality rates are high, especially for the undifferentiated and medullary forms. Treatment opinions differ among medical oncologists, surgeons and radiotherapist's point of view and sometimes the required extent of surgery is controversial among different surgeons.
The lack of long-term strategic screening and early cancer detection programmes for colorectal cancer is one of the main reasons why there are so many patients with advanced disease. Understanding the disease, and using this knowledge to minimise risks, both environmental and genetic, constitutes a central and expanding priority. Our knowledge of genetics and genomics of bowel cancer has grown considerably, so that each year there are new and surprising aspects for presentation.
Making sure that health professionals understand what it is like to be a patient; how priorities are set by politicians, managers and research strategists; how we apply the special contributions that nurses can make -all these issues will be covered.
The rapid evolution of all these issues around bowel cancer is unpredictable; I hope that you will find that we cover the contemporary scene well. I am convinced that you will enjoy a stimulating and constructive discussion of today’s practicalities and tomorrow’s possibilities.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Sofia.
Sincerely yours,
Nikolay Katev M.D.
Host Chair
General information
Conference Venue
Conference Hall "AUDITORIUM"
Sveta Ekaterina Hospital
Pencho Slaveikov street
Sofia 1431 - Bulgaria
Local Organising Secretariat
Nikolay Katev - Nikolay Nikolaev
Krusheva gradina street 48
Sofia 1415 - Bulgaria
Tel: + 359 98 77 65 33
Fax: + 3592 967 3019
ESO Secretariat
Rita De Martini
European School of Oncology
Via del Bollo 4
20123 Milan, Italy
Tel: + 39 02 85 46 45 27
Fax: + 39 02 85 46 45 45
A certificate of attendance will be distributed at the end of the course.
The official language of the course is English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.