ESO Observatory Cancer on the Internet
Not eligible for ESCO credits
Barcelona, Spain
After three successful Cancer on the Internet Conferences ESO is organising a Cancer on the Internet Observatory as part of ECCO 14 to discuss and debate how the Internet and associated information and communication technologies can help improve cancer outcomes.
ESO observatories involve a panel of expert speakers who give a brief overview of the innovations that they believe will take place in their specialist area over the next year or so. The panelists’ presentations are followed by discussion and debate where the audience are actively encouraged to make contributions and ask questions.
Attendance to the ESO Observatory is open to all registered participants at ECCO 14.
Cancer on the Internet Award and Mention of Honour 2007
The 2007 Cancer on the Internet Award and Mention of Honour will be awarded during the ESO Cancer on the Internet Observatory. Award winners will be invited to attend the Observatory and will receive their prize during this event.
Further information are available here.
General information
For further information on the Cancer on the Internet Observatory or on the Cancer on the Internet Award and Mention of Honour (nomination deadline 13 July 2007), please contact:
Dolores Knupfer
European School of Oncology - Bellinzona Office
Ospedale Reg. Bellinzona e Valli
CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Tel: +41 91 811 8050
Fax: +41 91 811 8051