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Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma

Not eligible for ESCO credits

17.06.2010  -  18.06.2010



Lung cancer


Chair:  T.Cufer, SI
          G.L. Ceresoli, IT

The incidence of lung cancer and mesothelioma is still increasing in Central Eastern Europe, especially in younger ages and in women. With new treatment modalities patients are living longer but there is still a lack of proper palliative care measurements in many societies. In addition, methods of early detection, even though still very scarce, needs to be improved.

The course would be aimed to improve knowledge on all aspects of lung cancer and mesothelioma care among different medical specialists, thus improving multidisciplinary approach and lung cancer care in CEE region.


Practicing pulmonologists, general practitioners, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists, thoracic surgeons, and trainees in these specialties.

General information

Irena Dolhar
Bolnišnica Golnik-KOPA, Golnik 36, 4204 Golnik
Tel: + 386 4 25 69 493
Fax: + 386 4 25 69 117


University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik
Golnik 36, 4204, Golnik, Slovenia

The official language of the course will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.


All participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance at the close of the course.

The badge is the only official evidence of registration and should be worn at all times during the course. Loss of badge means loss of registration.

The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the conference. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.

 30/04/2010: registration deadline (after this date, registration will not be accepted)
 30/04/2010: abstract submission
 30/05/2010: cancellation deadline
 04/06/2010: replacement deadline

Faculty list


G.L. Ceresoli, Istituto Humanitas Gavazzeni, Bergamo, IT
T. Cufer, University Clinic Golnik, SI
V. Gregorc, Fondazione San Raffaele, Milan, IT
I. Kern, University Clinic Golnik, SI
V. Kovac, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI
U. Lunder, University Clinic Golnik, SI
P. Postmus, Free University Medical Center Amsterdam,  NL
A. Rozman, University Clinic Golnik, SI
N. Schoenfeld, Helios Kliniken, Berlin, DE
T. Stupnik, University Clinical Center Ljubljana, SI
N. Triller, University Clinic Golnik, SI
P. Van Schil, University Hospital of Antwerp, Edegem, BE
E. Vrdoljak, Clinical Hospital Split, Medical School Split, HR
V. Zadnik, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI
I. Zagar, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI
M. Zwitter, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI


A. Rozman, University Clinic Golnik, SI
M. Kosnik, University Clinic Golnik, SI
V. Kovac, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI
M. Sok, University Medical Center Ljubljana, SI
R. Mercun, University Clinic Golnik, SI
N. Triller, University Clinic Golnik, SI
M. Zwitter, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, SI


17 June


Welcome address
T. Cufer, SI


Lung cancer and mesothelioma epidemiology
V. Zadnik, SI


Role of invasive procedures in diagnostic and staging of lung cancer
N. Triller, SI

9:30Role of invasive procedures in diagnostic and staging of mesotelioma
N. Schoenfeld, DE

Role of PET-CT and molecular imaging staging in therapy planning
I. Zagar, SI

 10:30Pathology and molecular biology of lung cancer and mesothelioma 
I. Kern, SI
 11:00Coffee break
 11:30Lung cancer and mesothelioma surgery 
P. Van Schil, BE
 12:00Systemic therapy and radiotherapy in mesothelioma   
G.L. Ceresoli, IT

Radiotherapy in lung cancer
E. Vrdoljak, HR

 13:00Systemic therapies for lung cancer
P. Postmus, NL


Early detection and new treatments for women at high risk 
S. Shanley, UK
 13:30Lunch break 
 14:30Interactive clinical cases (presented by participants and discussed by experts)
Discussants: N. Triller, I. Kern, P. Van Schil, G. L. Ceresoli, E. Vrdoljak, P. Postmus
Moderator: T. Cufer
 14:30 NSCL stage IIIA and stage IV
 15:30 SCLC limited and extended disease 
 16:30 Mesothelioma 



18 June


Supportive and symptomatic care of patients on systemic therapies
T. Cufer, SI


Supportive and symptomatic care  of patients on  radiotherapy
V. Kovac, SI

 10:00Palliation of malignant pleural effusion 
A. Rozman, SI

Principles of palliative care and end of life measurements
U. Lunder, SI

11:00Coffee break


How to improve early detection of lung cancer and mesothelioma
G.L. Ceresoli, IT


Combined chemo-radiotherapy in lung cancer, reality or a dream
M. Zwitter, SI

 12:30Is individualized therapy for lung cancer viable today
V. Gregorc, IT

Lunch break

 14:00Minimal invasive surgery 
T. Stupnik, SI
 14:30How to ensure palliation of symptoms and end of life measurements at home
U. Lunder, SI 

Round table discussion
How to improve lung cancer control in 21st century ?
Panelists: G.L. Ceresoli, T. Cufer, V. Gregorc, U. Lunder, N.M. Zwitter




Abstract submission deadline is 30 April 2010.

It is mandatory to submit the abstract as word file by e-mail.
The abstract should describe a clinical case relating to one of the subjects of the course (lung/mesothelioma), in the format of a clinical grand-round rather than a publication article. Some clinical cases will be selected and presented by participants.

The abstract submission form is available online.

Download: Abstract submission form_Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma_Golnik course