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Chair of the Scientific Committee: Prof. Maciej Krzakowski

Medycyna Praktyczna-Oncology and the European School of Oncology are pleased to invite you to the third intensive training conference on oncology.

 I kindly invite anyone interested to attend the Third Clinical Oncology Update - Onkologia 2011 Conference organized by
Medycyna Praktyczna and the European School of Oncology on May 13 and 14, 2011 in Cracow. As in the previous years,
lectures will be delivered by the European and American experts who will focus on the challenges of cancer treatment in
everyday practice.

Prof. Maciej Krzakowski,
Zastępca Przewodniczącego Rady Naukowej Medycyny Praktycznej - Onkologii


I cordially invite all oncologists from Poland and abroad to join us in Kraków on 13th-14th May 2011.
You should not miss intensive two-days course with leading European experts, organized by
Medycyna Praktyczna – Onkologia in collaboration with European School of Oncology.

Dr Alberto Costa
Director of European School of Oncology

General information

Michał Bańdo
Medycyna Praktyczna
Kraków, Poland
tel. 0048 12 29 34 279
e-mail: michal.bando@mp.pl

Joanna Stachura
Medycyna Praktyczna
Kraków, Poland
tel. 0048 12 29 34 174
e-mail: joanna.stachura@mp.pl

Poland, Kraków, Andel's Hotel, Pawia 3

Euro 70. The price covers course participation (both days) and educational materials.

Bank: Fortis Bank SA III O. Kraków. Bank address: Al. Focha 1, 31-111 Kraków, Poland
Bank account no: IBAN-Code: PL 06 1600 1039 0002 0035 0595 3001

Application process for Fryderyk Teodor Oehme Travel Grant has been finished. The successful candidates will be contacted soon.



13 MAY


On Friday, May 13, an interdisciplinary workshop - "Breast cancer diagnosis" - will be held as part of the ESO/MP-O Clinical Oncology Update 2011 Conference.
It is designed for radiologists, surgeons, and gynecologists and will be conducted by radiologists specializing in breast cancer diagnosis. During the workshop, participants will look for practical solutions to clinical problems.
It will be an interactive workshop, which uses a voting system that will allow the participants to test their knowledge.



How to interpret the BIRADS classification?
15:30What can be seen on breast ultrasound?
16:00  Satellite session
16:30  Coffee break
17:00  Correlation between ultrasound and mammogram
18:30Breast magnetic resonance imaging
19:00Verification of breast lesions


14 MAY

  9:00Opening and Fryderyk Teodor Oehme Travel Grants awarding ceremony
  9:15Teaching lecture from the Scientific Board of Medycyna Praktyczna - Onkologia: The progress and controversial areas in systemic treatment of colorectal cancer
M. Krzakowski, PL


State-of-art lecture: Prostate cancer: from urologists to oncologists
R. Zdrojowy, PL
10:45Coffee break
11:00  Questions and pitfalls in the treatment of ovarian cancer
J.B. Vermorken, BE
(Clinical problem solving session with electronic voting system for participants)
12:00  Satellite session I
12:30  Solid and hematological malignancies in pregnancy - review of current evidence on optimal management
N. Pavlidis, GR
13:15Lunch break
14:00New imaging techniques in cancer and its impact on management
S. Gwyther, UK
14:30Satellite session II
15:00Coffee break
15:15St. Gallen 2011. What's new? What's controversial?
speaker to be announced
(Clinical problem solving session with electronic voting system for participants)

Dessert with the expert: Rare malignancies - unusual pathological diagnoses
Speaker to be announced
(Clinical cases with electronic voting system for participants)

