ESO Course on Gastrointestinal Cancers
12 ESCO credits
17.10.2014 - 18.10.2014
Tbilisi, Georgia
Chairs: D. Zaridze, RU - A. Costa, IT
Host Chair: R. Gvamichava, GE
Host Chair: R. Gvamichava, GE
General information
Daniela Mengato
European School of Oncology (ESO)
Via Turati 29 - 20121 Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 85464523
Fax: +39 02 85464545
All course materials will be provided electronically through an event dedicated website that will be available until 30 November 2014. On this website you will find the course programme together with all available materials from faculty (CVs, presentations, etc.). This website will be updated along the way and new material will be uploaded as soon as provided by the faculty.
In order to receive your certificate of attendance by e-mail, we kindly ask that you complete the online evaluation questionnaire.
Daniela Mengato
European School of Oncology (ESO)
Via Turati 29 - 20121 Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 85464523
Fax: +39 02 85464545
All course materials will be provided electronically through an event dedicated website that will be available until 30 November 2014. On this website you will find the course programme together with all available materials from faculty (CVs, presentations, etc.). This website will be updated along the way and new material will be uploaded as soon as provided by the faculty.
In order to receive your certificate of attendance by e-mail, we kindly ask that you complete the online evaluation questionnaire.
Faculty list
G. Aprile, University Hospital, Udine, IT
G. Balzano, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, IT
M. Conio, Sanremo Hospital, Sanremo, IT
A. Costa, European School of Oncology, Milan, IT
J. Cuzick, Cancer Research UK, London, UK
M. Di Maio, National Cancer Institute, Naples, IT
R. Gvamichava, National Screening Centre, Tbilisi, GE
D. Khayat, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié Salpetrière, Paris, FR
C. Mussi, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milano, IT
A. Parodi, Sanremo Hospital, Sanremo, IT
H. Prenen, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE
U. Ronellenfitsch, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, DE
H. Schmoll, Martin Luther University, Halle, DE
A. Stein, Hubertus Wald Tumour Centre, University Cancer Center, Hamburg, DE
L. Walker, Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
T. Wiggers, University Medical Centre Groningen, NL
D. Zaridze, Russian N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, RU
17 October
INTRODUCTORY SESSION Chairs: R. Gvamichava, GE - D. Zaridze, RU - A. Costa, IT | ||
8:30 | Registration | |
9:30 | Welcome address and introduction | |
10:00 | Epidemiology of gastrointestinal cancer D. Zaridze, RU | |
10:30 | Genetics and Genetic predisposition L. Walker, UK | |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:30 | National cancer plans: the French experience D. Khayat, FR | |
12:00 | Screening for gastrointestinal cancer J. Cuzick, UK | |
12:30 | Integration of cancer genomics with treatment H. Schmoll, DE | |
13:00 | Lunch | |
COLORECTAL CANCER Chair: R. Gvamichava, GE - T. Wiggers, NL | ||
14:00 | Molecular pathology H. Prenen, BE | |
14:30 | Total mesocolon and total mesorectal excision T. Wiggers, NL | |
15:00 | Combined treatment of rectal cancer T. Wiggers, NL | |
15:30 | EMR and ESD in the treatment of colorectal lesions M. Conio, IT | |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | The perioperative management A. Stein, DE | |
17:00 | New standards in advanced disease H. Schmoll, DE | |
17:30 | Tumour board (2-3 cases presented by faculty ) | |
18 October
OESOPHAGEAL AND STOMACH CANCER Chairs: U. Ronellenfitsch, DE - R. Gvamcihava, GE | |
9:00 | Endoscopic treatment of early cancer in Barrett’s esophagus M. Conio, IT |
9:30 | Surgical treatment of cancer of the lower esophagus, gastro-esophageal junction and stomach U. Ronellenfitsch, DE |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:30 | Perioperative chemo(radio)therapy versus primary surgery for adenocarcinoma of the stomach, gastro-esophageal junction and lower oesophagus U. Ronellenfitsch, DE |
11:00 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors C. Mussi, IT |
11:30 | Tumour board (2-3 cases presented by faculty) |
12:30 | Lunch |
CANCER OF THE LIVER AND PANCREAS Chairs: G. Balzano, IT - R. Gvamichava, GE | |
13:30 | Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: Update M. Di Maio, IT |
14:00 | The role of interventional EUS A. Parodi, IT |
14:30 | Practical indications for pancreatic cancer surgery G. Balzano, IT |
15:00 | How to reduce operative mortality and complications rates of pancreaticoduodenectomy G. Balzano, IT |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | Steps ahead in the systemic treatment of pancreatic cancer G. Aprile, IT |
16:30 -17:30 | Tumour board (2-3 cases presented by faculty) |