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2nd ESOP-ESO Masterclass in Oncology Pharmacy

Not eligible for ESCO credits

16.11.2015  -  20.11.2015

Strasbourg, France




Chairs: A. Astier, FR - M. Daouphars, FR - F. Lemare, FR - P. Hartvig-Honoré, SE/DK - G. Wiedemann, DE - K. Meier, DE 

The ESOP-ESO Advanced Masterclass will address clinical cases covering the majority of diseases and pharmaceutical cases which can occur in the clinical setting. Cases will include less common cancer entities such as haematological malignancies, paediatric cancer, cancer of geriatric patients, treatment of patients with organ dysfunctions (renal, liver, cardiac, etc.), rare cancers as well as hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients.

The teaching format aims at preparing the oncology pharmacist to complex situations where pharmaceutical expertise is required to improve the treatment (toxicities and their management, symptom management, drug interactions of anticancer agents, management of side-effects), oncological emergencies outcomes and patient counseling.

Current practice, recent advances and emerging therapies as well as case studies highlighting pertinent issues shall be introduced. Pharmaceutical situations shall also refer to the content of prior levels like problems concerning drug stability, physico-chemical compatibility and their possible effects on the patient’s therapy.


 Improve expertise to actively contribute to the multidisciplinary management of cancer patients

 Update knowledge and communication competences related to
treatment administration, side-effects and stability issue

 Improve skills in establishing appropriate informative plans on
treatments for patients and their relatives
 Clinical cases covering the majority of the diseases and pharmaceutical clinical aspects
 The hematopoietic stem cell transplant patient and other complex situations
 Toxicities and symptom management
 Drug interactions of anticancer agents
 Oncological emergencies
 Patient counseling
 Clinical trials
 Collective prescription process
 Drug and therapeutic committee

The Advanced Masterclass in Oncology Pharmacy is an
ESOP-ESO joint event

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