7th Clinical Oncology Update - Onkologia 2015
Not eligible for ESCO credits
24.04.2015 - 25.04.2015
Kraków, Poland
General interest, General oncology, Medical / clinical oncology
Scientific Coordinator: W. Wysocki, PL
The redesigned format of the 2015 conference will enhance learning opportunities. Multidisciplinary interactive sessions will be opened also for non-oncologists dealing with cancer patients (radiologists, pathologists, GPs etc.).
The Conference offers plenary lectures delivered by the leading experts in the field, focusing on the state-of-the-art therapies and concluding with take-home messages. Lectures will cover the current standards of modern oncology, with special attention paid to practical aspects of effective cancer treatment. On 24 April an interdisciplinary session will be held for physicians dealing with early breast cancer – the issues from diagnosis to survivors’ support will be discussed. Additional sessions will focus on lung cancer –lectures will address modern and fast diagnosis as well effective problem-solving in daily practice . Other clinically-oriented issues will be discussed too.
On 25 April the leading European experts, invited jointly by ESO and Medycyna Praktyczna - Onkologia, will deliver lectures on practical clinical issues, such as management of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, current strategies in gynecological oncology, management of advanced breast cancer (including novel therapeutic options), non-surgical treatment of renal cancer, basic maneuvers in advanced malignancies (i.e. thoracentesis and malignant ascites drainage), skin malignancies etc.
All lectures will be interactive. An electronic system will allow participants to answer the questions, solve the quizzes and join the speakers in clinical case discussions. The Conference will be entirely in English (or in other languages, but simultaneously translated into English).
• | Update on the most important advances in the field of gastrointestinal malignancies, breast cancer, gynecological malignancies, lung cancer etc. | |
• | Improve the skills and knowledge on practical clinical issues, such as management of patients with malignant ascites or malignant pleural effusion, with special focus on targeted therapies, new strategies in advanced skin, gastro-intestinal and breast malignancies | |
• | Understand current options for palliation in advanced malignancies | |
• | Early and advanced breast cancer | |
• | Gynecological malignancies | |
• | Melanoma and other skin malignancies | |
• | Lung cancer | |
• | Gastro-intestinal malignancies | |
• | Malignant ascites and malignant pleural effusion |
Held in cooperation with | |
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General information
Michał Bando
Medycyna Praktyczna - Conferences
Cholerzyn 445, 32-060 Liszki, Poland
Ph +48 12 29 34 279 - Fx +48 12 29 34 010 - Mob +48 663 430 279
michal.bando@mp.pl - onkologia2015@mp.pl - www.mp.pl/onkologia2015
Qubus Hotel
6 Nadwilsanska street
The European School of Oncology and Medycyna Praktyczna - Onkologia invite candidates from Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Slovak Republic and Ukraine to apply for a Fryderyk Teodor Oehme Travel Grant.
The grant will cover conference fee, accommodation (three nights in an economy hotel/hostel from 23 to 26 April), invitation to faculty dinner on 24 April and 100 Euro as partial reimbursement of travel costs.
The application deadline has expired (8 February 2015).
Fryderyk Teodor Oehme Travel Grant program has been started in 2010 and since than it has been awarded to 26 young oncologist from five countries.
Faculty list
J.M. Asencio, ES
H. Aziz, BE
I. Batsey, UA
M. Bidziński, PL
A. Komorowski, PL
A. Łacko, PL
A. Lukashenko, UA
R. Mądry, PL
J. Olah, HU
P. Pisu, DE
R. Popescu, CH
G. Shabat, UA
D. Zaridze, RU
24 April
14:00 | Opening | |
Session I - Breast cancer diagnosis | ||
14:10 | Breast MRI and MRI-guided breast biopsy. For whom and what for? | |
14:40 | Practical aspects of new breast imaging techniques (SPECT mammography, CEUS) | |
15:10 | Satellite session | |
15:40 | Coffee break | |
Session II - New tools in abdominal imaging | ||
16:00 | MRI in rectal cancer diagnosis A. Komorowski, PL | |
16:30 | Rational liver imaging | |
Session III - Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of lung cancer patients | ||
17:00 | Changing epidemiology of lung cancer across Europe D. Zaridze, RU | |
17:30 | Chest tube insertion – an illustrated guide for non-surgeons I. Batsey, UA | |
18:00 | The newest tendencies in lung cancer treatment - an update form ELCC | |
18:30 | End of day 1 |
25 April
Session IV - New drugs. How to use them? | ||
8:30 | Advances in the treatment of gastric cancer R. Popescu, CH | |
9:00 | "Dose-dense" treatment schemes. For whom and how? | |
9:30 | PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer patients. Today and tomorrow R. Mądry, PL | |
10:00 | What is the best sequence in the treatment of advance melanoma patients? J. Olah, HU | |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
Session V - Management of patients with abdominal cancers | ||
10:45 | How to use colonoscopy in screening, diagnosis and follow-up? A guide for oncologist G. Shabat, UA | |
11:15 | Chemotherapy for primarily unresectable liver metastases. What can we achieve? J.M. Asencio, ES | |
11:45 | HIPEC and cytoreductive surgery. Who is it for? P. Pisu, DE | |
12:15 | Oncology in war zone. Experience in a regional cancer centre in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine A. Lukashenko, UA | |
12:45 | Satellite session | |
13:15 | Lunch | |
Session VI - Oncology in young patients | ||
13:45 | Contraception in cancer patients and cancer survivors M. Bidziński, PL | |
14:15 | Fertility counseling: supporting the conception in young cancer survivors H. Aziz, BE | |
14:45 | Coffee break | |
Session VII - Breast cancer treatment | ||
14:55 | Chemotherapy in perioperative setting - Polish perspective | |
15:25 | Treatment of patients with primary disseminated disease (treatment naive) and systemic recurrence (heavily pretreated) A. Łacko, PL | |
15:55 | Satellite session | |
16:25 | Closing remarks |