Breast Cancer Screening Conference
12 ESCO credits
18.06.2015 - 20.06.2015
O'Reilly Hall, UCD, Dublin, Ireland
Chairs: D.A. Cameron, UK - N. Houssami, AU - M. Rosselli Del Turco, IT
Host-Chair: J. Geraghty, IE
Scientific and educational supervision: F. Cardoso, PT - A. Costa, IT
This conference will focus on using current knowledge in breast screening and its outcomes to inform future screening practice for breast cancer and its treatment. Evidence on the implementation and the impact of breast cancer screening, its detection and its treatment, will be presented, including perspectives on the UK’s Marmot report. We will look beyond the controversy of overdiagnosis of breast cancer from screening to seek solutions relating to overtreatment in the context of multidisciplinary care. Practice-relevant topics will cover preoperative diagnosis, borderline lesions, surgical management including sentinel nodes and tumour margins, and radiotherapy and reconstruction. The scope of the course will range from the biology and spectrum of early breast cancer to economic aspects of population screening, and from early detection and
chemoprevention to dealing with potential overtreatment. Special issues for contemporary breast cancer screening, such as informed decision-making, risk-based screening, digital breast tomosynthesis, and multi-gene assays, will be highlighted to advance knowledge and practice in breast screening moving into the future.
• Develop an understanding of the impact of population breast screening, both benefits and harms
• Discuss the implementation of screening programs, including challenges and emerging issues for programs
• Explore/discuss the potential to deal with overtreatment in the context of screendetected breast cancer
• Be updated on the evidence in controversial aspects of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer
• Discuss emerging technologies for screening and prognostication
• Breast screening programmes and policies
• Challenges in diagnosis and treatment
• Challenges in breast screening
• Overtreatment
• Controversaries in assessment and treatment
• Future prospects and new technologies
In collaboration with | Under the auspices of | |||
General information
European School of Oncology
Via Turati, 29
20121 Milan
Organisation and registration
Francesca Marangoni - - +39 02 85464525
Abstracts, Exhibition and Sponsors
Daniela Mengato - - +39 02 85464523
O’Reilly Hall
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4 - Ireland
Map available here:
O'Reilly Hall, the venue for BCS Conference is located in Belfield, the main University College Dublin campus, 4km south of Dublin city centre. UCD is directly accessible by bus, private car and taxi. O’Reilly Hall is located centrally on campus beside the lake. The most convenient vehicular and pedestrian access to this building is through the main gate in UCD via the N11. Enter through the main gate (N11) and turn right. Follow the road until you can see a large car park to your left, O’ Reilly Hall is overlooking this car park. Please see the UCD map for exact location of O'Reilly Hall: (N. 45, ref. C7).
Dublin International Airport Transport Links to UCD
Dublin is served by Dublin International Airport, which is located north of Dublin City Centre. Aircoach operates a service from Dublin Airport to Leopardstown / Sandyford / Stillorgan which passes UCD. Further details available at
Dublin Bus Links to UCD
Dublin Bus numbers 2, 3, 11, 17, 39A, 46A, 84 and 145 all provide services to the Belfield campus. The 39A terminates within the Belfield campus, and can be boarded from in the City Centre from College Street. The numbers 2, 3, 11 and 46A can be boarded at O'Connell Street. Several additional Xpresso services operate directly to campus during morning and evening peak. For timetable information please visit and search for University College Dublin.
Irish Rail Links to UCD
Dublin is served by two main railway stations: Connolly Station and Heuston Stations. It is a short walk from Connolly Station to O'Connell Street, where the Dublin Bus numbers 2, 11 and 46A can be boarded for UCD. The route 145 provides a direct route from Heuston Station to Belfield via the city centre. For further information please visit
Regional Bus Links to UCD
Bus Éireann provides a nationwide bus service, with most major areas having a regular link to Dublin. The majority of Dublin services terminate in Busáras (Central Bus Station, Dublin) from where it is a short walk to O'Connell Street for connecting buses to UCD. Several Bus Éireann services from the Greater Dublin area directly serve UCD, Belfield Campus during morning peak. For further information please visit
Taxis to UCD
There are usually an adequate number of taxis in operation in the city centre at any given time. It is possible to hail a taxi from the street, but convenient taxi ranks are located on O'Connell Street, Middle Abbey Street, Dame Street and St Stephens Green.
The official language will be English. No translation will be provided.
The organizers bear no responsibility for untoward events in relation to the participation in the Convention. Participants are advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance
Participants will be issued a certificate of attendance (details will be provided on the event-dedicated website).
The Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE) and the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) have acknowledged the quality of the scientific programme and its educational value. The Breast Cancer Screening Conference (BCS) has been assigned 12 European Continuing Medical Education Credits (ECMEC).
Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at
The programme was furthermore awarded with 11 cat. 1 ESMO-MORA points.
Free Wi-Fi internet access in all areas of the BCS venue is available.
Name of the net: wavelan or oreilly hall.
No password required.
Tweet, network and follow updates using #BCSconf15 on Twitter and Facebook
and join in the discussions leading up to BCS via our blog
Please note that capturing contents of the sessions is prohibited.
Thursday, 18 June (12:30-17:30)
Friday, 19 June (8:00-17:30)
Saturday, 20 June (8:00-12:30)
Thursday, 18 June (14:00-17:30)
Friday, 19 June (9:00-17:30)
Saturday, 20 June (9:00-12:30)
Members of the faculty are invited to refer to the Speakers Room (1st floor).
The Conference is held in collaboration with | |||
and under the auspices of |
ESO wishes to express its appreciation and gratitude to the BCS Chairs for their support and vision in establishing this conference and to all faculty members for their
commitment and contribution to the programme.
ESO wishes to extend its appreciation to the following sponsor for having granted its participation and support to BCS:
On-site registration: after 24 May 2015
Faculty list
D.A. Cameron, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Breast Unit, Edinburgh, UK
J. Geraghty, University College Dublin, Department Of Surgery, Dublin 4, IE
N. Houssami, University of Sydney, Sydney Medical School, Sydney, AU
M. Rosselli Del Turco, Rome, IT
J. Armstrong, St. Luke's Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Dublin, IE
K. Benn, Europa Donna, Milan, Italy
F. Cardoso, Champalimaud Cancer Center, Breast Unit, Lisbon, PT
M.J. Cardoso, Champalimaud Cancer Center, Breast Unit, Lisbon, PT
A. Costa, European School of Oncology, Scientific Director Office, Milano, IT
A. De Censi, E.O. Ospedali Galliera, S.C. Oncologia Medica e Preventiva, Genova, IT
C. De Wolf, Swiss Cancer Screening, Quality Assurance Specialist, Bern, CH
L.E.M. Duijm, Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Department of Radiology, Nijmegen, NL
D. Evoy, University College Dublin - Mater Hospital, School Of Medicine and Medical Science, Dublin 7, IE
R. Harris, University of North Carolina, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, Chapel Hill, US
G. Mazzarol, European Institute of Oncology, Department of Pathology, Milan, IT
E.W. McDermott, St. Vincent University Hospital, Dept. of Surgery, Education and Research, Dublin 4, IE
M. Michell, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, South East London Breast Screening Programme, London, UK
D.L. Miglioretti, UC Davis School of Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, Davis, CA, US
C. Normand, Trinity College Dublin, Health Policy & Management Dpt., Dublin, IE
A. O'Doherty, National Cancer Screening Service, Breast Check Merrion Screening Unit, Dublin, IE
R. Pijnappel, LRCB, Dutch Reference Centre For Screening, Nijmegen, NL
S.E. Pinder, King's College London, Division of Cancer Studies, London, UK
R. Prichard, St. Vincent University Hospital, Department of Surgery, Dublin 4, IE
C. Quinn, St Vincent's Hospital, School Of Medicine and Medical Science, Dublin 4, IE
P. Skaane, Ullevaal University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Oslo, NO
M. Solbjør, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Social Work and Health Science, Trondheim, NO
L. Solin, AEMC, Department of Radiation Oncology, Philadelphia, US
J. van der Hage, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Department of Surgery, Amsterdam, NL
L. Van't Veer, University of California, San Francisco, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco, CA, US
M. Wallis, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Breast Unit, Cambridge, UK
J. Walshe, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Dublin, IE
M. Wilcox, Independent Cancer Patients' Voice, President Office, London, UK
S. Zackrisson, Skåne University Hospital Malmö, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Malmö, SE
18 June
14:00 | SESSION I - PERSPECTIVES ON THE MARMOT REPORT Chairs: N. Houssami, AU - M. Rosselli Del Turco, IT | |
14:00 Introductory remarks (J. Geraghty, IE) | ||
15:30 | Coffee break | |
16:00 Challenges in implementation of breasts creening services in Europe (C. De Wolf, CH) 16:20 Setting up a screening programme - The Irish experience (A. O'Doherty, IE) 16:40 Understanding differences in screeninge ffect from observational studies (R. Harris, US) 17:10 Informed decision-making for women - Is it possible? (M. Solbjør, NO) | ||
19 June
09:00 The pathology and management of B3 lesions (S.E. Pinder, UK) 09:20 Vacuum excision: Is it safe? Is it effective? (M. Michell, UK) 09:40 Chemoprevention or screening (A. De Censi, IT) 10:00 Preoperative MRI: Does it improve treatment outcomes? (L. Solin, U) | ||
10:20 | Best Abstracts presentation | |
10:35 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | SESSION IV - CHALLENGES IN BREAST SCREENING Chair: E.W. McDermott, IE - L. Solin, US | |
11:00 Risk-based screening (D.L. Miglioretti, US) 11:20 Performance evaluation in screening (M. Wallis, UK) 11:40 Sentinel node - current and future challenges (G. Mazzarol, IT) 12:00 Multidisciplinary case discussion (R. Prichard, IE - J. Walshe, IE) | ||
12:30 | Lunch and poster session | |
14:00 | SESSION V - OVERTREATMENT IN BREAST SCREENING Chairs: D.A. Cameron, UK - F. Cardoso, PT | |
14:00 The impact of digital mammography (R. Pijnappel, NL) 14:20 The spectrum of early breast cancer (S.E. Pinder, UK) 14:40 Is surgery necessary in all cases of early breast cancer? (J. van der Hage, NL) 14:55 Is radiotherapy always necessary for early breast cancer? (J. Armstrong, IE) 15:10 Can the basic scientist help? (L. Van’t Veer, US) | ||
15:30 | Coffee break | |
16:00 | SESSION VI - CONTROVERSIES IN BREAST SCREENING Chairs: J. Geraghty, IE - A. O'Doherty, IE | |
16:00 Health economics in screening (C. Normand, IE) 16:20 What's all this fuss about margins (L. Solin, US) 16:50 Radiotherapy and breast reconstruction (M.J. Cardoso, PT) 17:10 Interval cancers (L.E.M. Duijm, NL) |
20 June
9:00 | SESSION VII - FUTURE PROSPECTS IN BREAST SCREENING Chairs: N. Houssami, AU - M. Rosselli Del Turco, IT | |
TOMOSYNTHESIS 09:00 Adding tomosynthesis to mammography for population screening (P. Skaane, NO) 09:20 Tomosynthesis-only compared to conventional screening (S. Zackrisson, SE) 09:40 Effect of tomosynthesis on radiologists accuracy (M. Michell, UK) 10:00 Tomosynthesis - round table Panel: N. Houssami, AU - M. Rosselli Del Turco, IT - P. Skaane, NO - S. Zackrisson, SE - M. Michell, UK | ||
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | SESSION VIII - FUTURE PROSPECTS IN BREAST SCREENING Chairs: N. Houssami, AU - J. Geraghty, IE | |
THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA 11:00 Keynote address - Multigene assay and DCISr ecurrence (L. Solin, US) 11:30 Keynote address - Breast screening in 10 years (S. Zackrisson, SE) | ||
12:00 | | Closing remarks |
OR1 | The additional value of mammography to MRI screening in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers by BRCA status and age: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Xuan Anh Phi, NL | |
OR2 | Information about overdetection improves informed choice in breast cancer screening: randomised controlled trial of a decision aid. Jolyn Hersch, AU | |
PO3 | The review and categorisation of interval breast cancers in an australian breastscreen service. Wendy Vincent, AU | |
PO4 | A case-control study to assess the impact of the breast screening programme on breast cancer mortality in London. Amanda Dibden, UK | |
PO5 | Estimation of overdiagnosis using short term trends and lead time estimates uncontaminated by overdiagnosed cases: results from the Norwegian breast screening programme. Dimitrios Michalopoulos, UK | |
PO6 | Implications of screening increased numbers of women aged 40-44 years on breast cancer detection and resourcing. Helen Frazer, AU | |
PO7 | The role of MRI in screen-detected invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast. Caoilfhionn Ní Leidhin, IR | |
PR8 | Increasing uptake of basic breast examination procedures through breast cancer awareness in a rural area. Jos, Nigeria. Mercy Isichei-Wakili, NI | |
PO9 | Obtaining study approvals for a case-control study to assess the impact of the breast screening programme on breast cancer mortality in London - a data manager’s perspective. Dharmishta Parmar, UK | |
PO10 | Burden of Breast Cancer in Tbilisi. Rema Gvamichava, GE |
No responsibility is assumed by the organisers for any injury and/or damage to persons or propriety as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Organisers recommend that independent verification of diagnosis, therapies and dosages should be made. Every effort has been made to faithfully reproduce the materials as submitted. However, no responsibility is assumed by the organisers for any omissions or misprints.
Xuan Anh Phi, University Medical Center Groningen, NL
Jolyn Hersch, The University of Sydney, AU
Abstracts will be assessed for oral and poster presentation at the conference, or for publication only in the BCS Abstract Book which will be published as a supplement of The Breast.
• The three best abstracts will be selected for a 5-minute oral presentation on Friday, 19 June and for poster presentation on Friday, 19 June. Free registration will be granted to the first author of the three selected abstracts.
• Further abstracts will be selected for poster presentation on Friday, 19 June.
Participants are invited to submit an abstract on breast cancer screening, in one of the following categories:
• Clinical management
• Epidemiology/ Public Health
• Imaging and emerging technologies
• Psycho-oncology and informed choice
• Accessing the abstract submission system, you will be asked to login to the ESO website with your account details (if you are not yet registered, please create an ESO account);
• The abstract should be limited to 2500 characters, not including the title;
• The title should be in lower case letters;
• Names of research groups should appear in the title, not in the authors’ list;
• Tables and images are not accepted.
• For each author you should indicate First Name, Family Name, email address, affiliation(s). As all communications will be made by email, please make sure you provide correct addresses;
• List the authors’ affiliations and combine them with the authors. The same affiliation should be entered only once.
• The first author should be indicated (first author = corresponding author and presenter);
• The first author (i.e. corresponding author and presenter) will receive an acknowledgement of receipt and all subsequent communication by e-mail;
• For abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster), the first author will be the presenting author and is requested to register and participate in the Conference.
• It is the responsibility of the submitter to ascertain whether all authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission is made.
• You will be able to apply changes to the submitted text until ESO validates your abstract (please refer to your dashboard on the ESO website). Once the text has been validated, no further modifications will be accepted.
The acknowledgement of receipt of the abstract will immediately follow the submission. The outcome will be notified by 15 February 2015 to the first author who will be required to register to the conference (early registration deadline: 15 February 2015).
For more information, please contact: