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Masterclass in Endoscopy in Gastrointestinal Oncology

30 ESCO credits

30.01.2015  -  02.02.2015

Vienna, Austria


Gastro-intestinal tumours


F. Bazzoli, IT - M. Conio, IT - P. Malfertheiner, DE

Scientific Committee:
T. Baron, US - M. Häfner, AT - P. Siersema, NL

The aim of this Masterclass is to provide an update of the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasias. The Masterclass is specifically addressed to young specialists and each topic will be analysed in a systematic (propaedeutic) way, from basic to the most complex and difficult procedures. The Masterclass will consist of a series of focused presentations, update lectures and videosessions. Presenters will be using case illustrative examples and high quality video throughout the program.
Live endoscopy sessions will also be performed to show how to afford and solve technical problems. Before endoscopy a detailed analysis of the clinical history of each patient will be presented in order to stress the importance of the appropriateness of the procedure.

The most recent advances in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy will be presented; technical devices will be critically analyzed according to the data obtained from evidence-based results of the literature.

A high level of interaction between the faculty and audience will be facilitated and a clinical case discussion will close each session with question and answer format. Clinical cases will be submitted by the attendees and preliminarily selected by the scientific board of the course.

The importance of the multidisciplinary approach to gastrointestinal cancers will be elaborated. Together with gastroenterologists, interventional radiologists, surgeons and oncologists will be actively involved both in the presentations and discussions. As key take home message the course intends to illustrate that endoscopy may offer its best potential only when it is part of a comprehensive clinical evaluation of the patient.

• Update on epidemiology of gastrointestinal cancers and precancerous conditions/lesions
• Appraise the role of endoscopy in several scenarios
• Discuss cancer genetics and the role of endoscopy
• Update on endoscopic diagnostic approaches and endoscopic treatments in a multidisciplinary perspective
• Update on technological innovations
• Discuss indications and limits of endoscopy

The Masterclass offers plenary lectures regarding state-of-the-art clinical evaluation and treatments with reference to clinical guidelines and which will conclude in take-home messages. Participants will deliver case presentations within small groups and discuss these with the chairmen and the faculty.
Accepted participants will be requested to take part in the whole event. The Masterclass will be entirely in English and fluency in English is necessary for admission.


• A 4-day residential educational event
• Full immersion
• Clinically-oriented
• Multidisciplinary
• An international faculty of leading experts delivering lectures focusing on Esophageal, Gastric, Hepatobiliary, Pancreas and Colon cancer management.

Held under the auspices of

In collaboration with:           








General information

European School of Oncology
Via Turati, 29
20121 Milan, Ital

Francesca Marangoni
Ph: +39 02 85464525 - Fax: +39 02 85464545
E-mail: fmarangoni@eso.net

Rita De Martini
Ph: +39 02 85464527 - Fax: +39 02 85464545
E-mail: rdemartini@eso.net


The Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE) and the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) have acknowledged the quality of the scientific programme and its educational value. The Masterclass in Endoscopy in Gastrointestinal Oncology has been assigned 18 European Continuing Medical Education Credits (ECMEC).
Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at www.amaassn.org/go/internationalcme.



Faculty list

J. Baillie, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Dept. of Endoscopy, Richmond, VA, US
T. Baron, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine - Div.of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chapel Hill, NC, US
F. Bazzoli
, Bologna University, Dept. of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Bologna, IT
P. Bhandari, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Solent Centre for Digestive Diseases, Portsmouth, UK
M. Conio
, Sanremo Hospital, Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Sanremo, IT
W. Dolak, Medical University of Vienna, Dept. of Internal Medicine III, Div. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vienna, AT
M. Häfner, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Vienna, AT
C. Hassan, Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Rome, IT
C. Langner
, Medical University Graz, Pathology Institute, Graz, AT
P. Malfertheiner, Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg A.ö.R., Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Disease, Magdeburg, DE
T. Matsuda, National Cancer Center Hospital, Endoscopy Division, Tokyo, JP
L. Palazzo, S.A.S Clinique Paul Doumer, Clinique du Trocadéro, Paris, FR
K. Ragunath, NIHR Biomedical Research Unit Queens Medical Centre Campus, Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre, Nottingham, UK
J. Regula, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Warsaw, PL
R. Schöfl, Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen Linz, Pancreas-Liver-Center, Linz, AT
F. Schreiber
, Medical University of Graz, Dept. of Internal Medicine - Div. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graz, AT
P. Siersema, University Medical Center Utrecht, Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (F 02.615), Utrecht, NL
J. Zacherl, St. Josef-Krankenhaus, Dept. of Surgery, Vienna, AT


30 January

14:30 Welcome
14:45 Epidemiology and risk factors of esophageal and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma
C. Hassan, IT
15:00 Diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus and early neoplastic lesions
P. Bhandari, UK
15:20 Pathology of Barrett’s esophagus and dysplasia                
C. Langner, AT
15:35 Barrett’s esophagus: guidelines                    
K. Ragunath, UK
15:55 Discussion
16:05 Coffee break
 Endoscopic treatment of early cancer in Barrett’s esophagus    • RFA (M. Haefner, AT)   • EMR and ESD (M. Conio, IT)
17:15 Video session and discussion
 Clinical cases: multidisciplinary discussion


31 January

  9:00 Live session
 Esophageal cancer: the appropriate staging               
K. Ragunath, UK
 Biliary strictures: cholangioscopy                 
F. Schreiber, AT
10:35  Diagnosis and management of SCC                    
T. Matsuda, JP
 Coffee break
 Surgery for esophageal cancer: Indications and clinical outcome           
J. Zacherl, AT
 11:50 Esophageal stents for malignant stricture            
P. Siersema, NL
 12:05  Esophageal stents for benign strictures                
P. Siersema, NL
 12:20 Video session and discussion
 Clinical cases: Multidisciplinary discussion
 Atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia: endoscopic diagnosis and surveillance
P. Malfertheiner, DE
 Endotherapy of early neoplastic lesions: EMR, ESD            
T. Matsuda, JP
 Endoscopic management of perforations, leaks and fistula throughout the
GI tract

T. Baron, US
 Coffee break
 Video session and discussion
 Clinical cases: Multidisciplinary discussion
 18:00 Close


1 February

 9:00 EUS of the upper GI tract
L. Palazzo, FR
 Update lecture: EUS in pancreaticobiliary malignancies             
L. Palazzo, FR
 IPMT: diagnosis and treatment                        
R. Schöfl, AT
 ERCP: Endoscopic management of hilarmalignant strictures    
J. Baillie, US

Video session and discussion

 Coffee break
 11:00 ERCP- managing benign biliary strictures                 
J. Baillie, US
 Chronic pancreatitis: advanced therapeutic options (necrosectomy?)    
T. Baron, US
 Indications and results of enteral stent placement
M. Häfner, AT
 12:00 Video session and discussion
 14:00 Enteroscopy
W. Dolak, AT
 14:15 Management of duodenal polyps and periampullary lesion       
T. Baron, US

 14:35 Update lecture: Gastric cancer: who is at risk?        
F. Bazzoli, IT
 14:55 Colorectal cancer screening                        
J. Regula, PL
 15:15 Video session and discussion
 16:00 Coffee break
 16:30 Capsule endoscopy                             
C. Hassan, IT
 Video session and discussion

 17:00 Clinical cases: Multidisciplinary discussion




2 February

9:00 Colonoscopy: how to maximize its results         
J. Regula, PL  
P. Bhandari, UK
 9:40 The EMR-C in the colon                             
M. Conio, IT
 Colorectal ESD
T. Matsuda, JP
 Video session and discussion
 10:30 Coffee break
 Clinical cases: Multidisciplinary discussion
 12:00 Colorectal stents: bridge-to-surgery and palliation        
T. Baron, US

 ESGE guidelines: an overview            
C. Hassan, IT
Video session and discussion
 Closing remarks
 13:00 Close