9th Clinical Oncology Update - Onkologia 2017
Not eligible for ESCO credits
27.10.2017 - 28.10.2017
Krakow, Poland
Scientific Coordinator: W.M. Wysocki, PL
The refreshed format of the 2017 conference enhances learning opportunities for participants. The new features include special sessions designed for in-training oncologists with question-and-answer modules and simulated board certification tests in oncology that will be discussed in depth to improve the participants’ learning experience.
The Conference offers plenary lectures delivered by the leading experts in the field, focusing on the state-of-the-art therapies and concluding with take-home messages. Lectures will cover the current standards of modern oncology, with special attention to practical aspects of effective cancer treatment. Multidisciplinary interactive sessions will be opened also for non-oncologists dealing with cancer patients (radiologists, pathologists, GPs etc.).
Leading European experts, invited jointly by ESO and Medycyna Praktyczna - Onkologia, will deliver lectures on practical clinical issues, such as management of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies (including liver), current strategies in gynecological oncology and advanced lung cancer, management of breast cancer (including novel therapeutic options), treatment of renal, bladder and prostate cancer, basic maneuvers in advanced malignancies, skin malignancies, oncological emergencies etc.
The Conference will be held in English and in other languages, for which simultaneous translation in English will be provided.
• Update on the most important advances in the field of gastrointestinal malignancies (including liver), breast cancer, gynecological malignancies, lung cancer etc.
• Improve the skills and knowledge on practical clinical issues, such as management of common treatment-related toxicities, patients with cancer emergencies, specific problems with targeted therapies, new strategies in advanced skin, lung, gastro-intestinal and breast malignancies.
• Gastro-intestinal malignancies (including liver)
• Lung cancer
• Early and advanced breast cancer
• Melanoma and other skin malignancies
• Gynecological malignancies
• Treatment-related toxicities
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General information
Medycyna Praktyczna - Conferences
Liszki, Poland
Michał Bańdo, michal.bando@mp.pl, ph +48 12 2934279