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ESO Breast Cancer Observatory: innovation and care in the next 12 months

Not eligible for ESCO credits


Tehran, Iran


Breast cancer


Chair: A. Costa, IT - S. Najafi, IR

The European School of Oncology is pleased to announce the "ESO Breast Cancer Observatory: innovation and care in the next 12 months", which will be held
in conjunction with the International Tehran Breast Cancer Congress (TBCC9) -Multidisciplinary Approach to Breast Cancer, on October 18 in Tehran (Iran) and chaired by Dr. A. Costa.

The Observatory will be held during the

General information

Daniela Mengato
European School of Oncology
Via Turati 29
20121 Milan, Italy
Email: dmengato@eso.net
Tel +39 02 85464523

The Observatory will be held during the International Tehran Breast Cancer Congress (TBCC9) - Multidisciplinary Approach to Breast Cancer.
Razi International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran (Main Hall - Hall A)

Attendance is granted to all participants registered to the International Tehran Breast Cancer Congress.
The conclusion of the Observatory will be made available on the ESO website.

Faculty list

J. Bernier, Swiss Medical Network, Clinique de Genolier, Geneve, CH
A. Costa, European School of Oncology, Milano, IT
S. Erdem, Europa Donna, TK
A. Lacko, Wrocław University of Medicine, Wrocław, PL
S. Najafi, Breast Cancer Research Center, Motamed Cancer Institute, ACECR, Teheran, IR
E. Senkus, Medical University of Gdansk, PL


 18 October


Breast cancer surgery
A. Costa, IT
Breast cancer radiotherapy
J. Bernier, CH
Breast cancer endocrine therapy and survivorship
A. Lacko, PL
Chemotherapy and biological therapy
E. Senkus, PL
The patient’s perspective
S. Erdem, TK