7th ESO-SIOP Europe Masterclass in Paediatric Oncology
30 ESCO credits
16.06.2018 - 21.06.2018
Nauen OT Groß Behnitz (Berlin area), Germany
Chairs: S. Bielack, DE - A. Eggert, DE - B. Morland, UK - R. Riccardi, IT
ESO and SIOP-Europe are pleased to announce the seventh Masterclass in Paediatric Oncology. This clinically-oriented educational programme has been designed for young paediatric oncologists, who wish to improve their skills in clinical management of common childhood tumours. It is designed to offer a unique learning experience, providing practice-oriented training and the teaching sessions will focus on the application of the most recent research findings to clinical practice.
• Improve knowledge in the field
• Improve skills in dealing with cancer problems as a whole
• Improve knowledge of current clinical practice and state-of-the-art treatment
• Central nervous system tumours
• Neuroblastoma
• Soft-tissue sarcoma
• Bone tumours
• Wilms’ tumour
• Rare tumours
• Leukemia and Lymphoma
The Masterclass in Paediatric Oncology is an ESO-SIOP Europe joint event |
P. Berlanga, Institut Gustave Roussy, Pediatric and Adolescent Oncology Dpt., Paris, FR
S. Bielack, Olgahospital, Dept. of Oncology, Stuttgart, DE
G. Bisogno, Onco-heamatology Clinic, Department of Paediatrics, Padova, IT
L. Brugieres, Institut Gustave Roussy, Cancer in Young Adults Dpt., Paris, FR
F. Doz, Institut Curie, Paediatric Oncology Dpt., Paris, FR
A. Eggert, Charité - Berlin University, Department of Paediatric Oncology/ Haematology, Berlin, DE
J. Grill, Institut Gustave Roussy, Department of Pediatrics, Villejuif, FR
H. Hasle, Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK
A. Hoy, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Epsom, UK
D. Körholz, Universitätsklinikum, Halle, Halle, DE
B. Morland, Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital, Birmingham, UK
D. Orbach, Institut Curie, Paediatric Department, Paris, FR
R. Riccardi, Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Div. of Paediatric Oncology, Roma, IT
S. Rutkowski, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Paediatric Hematology/Oncology Dpt., Hamburg, DE
D. Schneider, Klinikum Dortmund, Children’s Department, Dortmund, DE
M. Schrappe, University of Kiel, Department of Paediatrics, Kiel, DE
T. Simon, University Clinic Köln, Pediatric Oncology/Hematology Dpt., Köln, DE
R. Skinner, Great North Children's Hospital, Paediatrics and Adolescence Hematology/Oncology Dpt., Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
F. Spreafico, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT
S. Tait, Role Call, London, UK
B. Timmermann, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, DE
General information
Alexandra Zampetti
European School of Oncology (ESO)
Piazza Indipendenza 2
6500 Bellinzona
ph +41 91 820 09 54
e-mail: azampetti@eso.net
Alice Ciocchini, aciocchini@eso.net, ph +39 02 854 64 529
Application for CME recognition will be submitted to the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE) and to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). EACCME credits are recognised by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). Information on the status of the applications can be obtained from the organising secretariat.
Participants will receive their certificate of attendance via e-mail after on completion of the evaluation form.
16 June
20:00 | Arrival | |
Welcome from the Chairs followed by dinner |
17 June
8:00 | Registration |
8:30 | Multiple choice pre-test | |
BONE TUMOURS Session leader: S. Bielack, DE |
9:00 | Osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma: Presentation, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches S. Bielack, DE |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:15 | Case presentations |
12:45 | Lunch break |
CNS TUMOURS Session leader: R. Riccardi, IT |
13:45 | Medulloblastoma: implementation of biological criteria in current therapeutic strategies F. Doz, FR |
14:15 | High Grade Glioma J. Grill, FR |
14:45 | Low grade gliomas R. Riccardi |
15:15 | Current concepts of diagnostics and treatment for childhood ependymoma S. Rutkowski, DE |
15:45 | Coffee break |
16:15 | Key note lecture: Proton therapy in pediatric oncology B. Timmermann, DE |
17:00 | Case presentations | |
19:00 | Landgut Stober grounds tour |
20:00 |
Dinner |
18 June
RARE TUMOURS Session leader: B. Morland, UK |
8:00 | Intracranial Germ Cell Tumours D. Schneider, DE |
8:30 | Germ Cell Tumours D. Schneider, DE |
9:30 | Hepatoblastoma B. Morland, UK |
10:30 | Coffee break |
10:45 | Case presentations |
11:30 | Key note lecture: Survivorship/Late effects R. Skinner, UK |
12:30 | Case presentations | |
13:30 | Pick up lunch boxes |
13:45 |
Group transfer to Berlin center for free afternoon |
19 June
8:00 | Communication workshop (YELLOW GROUP) A. Hoy, UK - S. Tait, UK and C. Reid, UK |
9:00 | Key note lecture: Early phase studies (BLUE GROUP) B. Morland, UK |
10:00 | Coffee break | |
SOFT TISSUE SARCOMA Session leader: G. Bisogno, IT |
10:30 | Rhabdomyosarcoma G. Bisogno, IT |
11:30 | Non Rhabdo Soft Tissue Sarcoma D. Orbach, FR |
12:30 | Questions and discussion D. Orbach, FR |
13:00 | Lunch break | |
LEUKAEMIA/LYMPHOMA Session leader: M. Schrappe |
14:00 | ALL M. Schrappe, DE |
15:00 | Management of AML H. Hasle, DK |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:15 | Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma L. Brugieres, FR |
17:15 | Hodgkin's lymphoma D. Körholz, DE |
18:15 | Case presentations | |
20:00 | Dinner |
20 June
8:00 | Communication workshop (BLUE GROUP) A. Hoy, UK - S. Tait, UK and C. Reid, UK |
9:00 | Key note lecture: Early phase studies (YELLOW GROUP) B. Morland, UK |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:15 | Case presentations |
12:00 | Key note lecture: How to identify patients who may benefit from personalised medicine P. Berlanga |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Case presentations |
NEUROBLASTOMA Session leader: A. Eggert,DE |
14:30 | Current approaches in low risk and intermediate risk neuroblastoma T. Simon, DE |
15:30 | Current approaches in high-risk and relapse neuroblastoma A. Eggert, DE |
16:30 | Coffee break |
16:45 | Case presentations | |
20:00 | BBQ Dinner |
21 June
8:00 | Wilms Tumour Overview of renal tumours of childhood and approaches to treatment of Wilms tumour F. Spreafico, IT |
9:30 | Case presentations |
11:30 | Checkouts and brunch |
12:15 | Multiple choice test |
12:45 | Discussion and closure |
13:30 | Group transfer from hotel to airport |