5th ESO-ESMO Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology
30 ESCO credits
03.04.2019 - 07.04.2019
Lima, Peru
Breast cancer, Clinical cases, Gastro-intestinal tumours, Genito-urinary cancers, Gynaecological cancers, Head and neck cancers, Lung cancer, Medical / clinical oncology
Chairs: A. Cervantes, ES - N. Pavlidis, GR - R.A. Stahel, CH
Scientific Co-ordinators: M. Aapro, CH - F. Cardoso, PT
The Masterclass is the most structured ESO educational activity whose format has been established and presented in Europe for over a decade. The success of the teaching method has been confirmed by the events held also in other parts of the world as well as by the four editions held in Latin America. It is with pleasure and gratefulness for the consideration of the local community, that ESO announces the fifth edition to be held in the region in 2019.The Masterclass offers plenary lectures discussing current issues and controversies as well as critically reviewing significant therapeutic developments. State-of-the-art data recognized by ESMO and other evidence-based guidelines will be cited.
Participants will deliver case presentations within tumour boards and small groups and discuss them with the chairs and the faculty.
As for all Masterclasses, the number of participants will be limited and admission will be by competitive application only.
Admitted participants will be granted free registration and half-board accommodation for the duration of the Masterclass.
The Masterclass offers plenary lectures regarding state-of-the-art clinical evaluation and treatments with reference to clinical guidelines and which will conclude in take-home messages. The clinical sessions will be complemented by tumour board discussions supported by regional tutors.
Furthermore, participants will deliver case presentations within small groups and discuss these with the chairs and the faculty.
In preparation of the attendance, participants will be requested to follow four selected e-ESO sessions (www.e-eso.net).
All participants will reside at the course venue and participation is compulsory throughout the course.
The Masterclass will be entirely in English and at least an intermediate level of English is necessary for admission.
• Improve medical oncologists’ skills
• Practicing case discussion
• Deep focus on breast, gastro-intestinal, genitourinary, gynaecological, head and
neck and lung cancers
• Compact update on further topics of interest
• Breast cancer
• Gastro-intestinal cancers
• Genito-urinary cancers
• Gynaecological cancers
• Head and neck cancer
• Lung cancer
The Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology is an ESO-ESMO joint event |
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Held in collaboration with |
Under the auspices of |
M.S. Aapro, Clinique de Genolier, Genolier, CH
J.Y. Blay, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR
M.T. Bourlon, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Mexico City, Mexico
F. Calvo, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES
F. Cardoso, Champalimaud Cancer Center, Lisbon, PT
F. Cavalli, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, CH
A. Cervantes, University Clinical Hospital, Valencia, ES
G. Curigliano, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, IT
E. Efstathiou, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US
S.X. Franco, Clinical del Country, Bogota, CO
F. Geara, The American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, LB
H. Gomez Moreno, Sociedad Peruana de Cancerologia, Lima, PE
J. Jeronimo, Global Coalition Against Cervical Cancer (GC3), Damascus, US
D. Lorusso, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT
L. Mas Lopez, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima, PE
O. Michielin, Lausanne University Hospital – CHUV, Lausanne, CH
S. Neciosup, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas, Lima, PE
N. Pavlidis, University Hospital, Ioannina, GR
E. Payet, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima, Peru
F.A. Peccatori, European School of Oncology and European Institute of Oncology, Milan, IT
F. Penault-Llorca, Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, FR
C. Porta, IRCCS Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, Pavia, IT
C. Rolfo, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, US
P. Sanchez, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN), Lima, PE
C. Santos, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima, PE
L. Schwarz, Oncosalud, Lima, PE
R.A. Stahel, University Hospital, Zurich, CH
R.M. Terra, University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, BR
C. Vallejos, Oncosalud, Lima, PE
E. Van Cutsem, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE
J.B. Vermorken, University Hospital Antwerp, Edegem, BE
General information
European School of Oncology
Piazza Indipendeza 2, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Luis Carvalho, Ph: +41 91 820 09 58, E-mail: lcarvalho@eso.net
Participants will be entitled to receive a certificate of attendance at the close of the Masterclass by completing the online evaluation questionnaire.
The event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The evaluation of the event has been performed by the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE) that acknowledged the quality of the scientific programme and its educational value.
The event is designated for a maximum of 33 European CME credits (ECMEC).
Through an agreement between UEMS and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Furthermore, the conference has been accredited with 25 ESMO-MORA category 1 points.
The Masterclass will be held in English and translation will not be provided.
The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in relation to the participation in the event. Participants will be advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.
The ESO Clinical Training Centres Fellowship programme gives doctors who have specialized within the last 5 years the opportunity to request a training period of 3 or 6 months at one of the CTC Centres in Europe.
In Latin America only those who have taken part in the ESO-ESMO Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology and who meet the requirements can apply!
For further details please click here.
Saturday 6 April
Sponsored lecture: Pfizer
Addressing the emerging role of biosimilars agents in oncology
M.S. Aapro, Clinique de Genolier, Genolier, CH
The Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology is funded by ESO and ESMO support with and unrestricted educational grants provided by Pfizer (Platinum sponsor), BMS (Gold sponsor), Lilly (Gold sponsor) and Roche (Gold sponsor) to whom ESO wishes to express its gratitude.
• Age between 30 and 40 years
• At least 3 years’ experience in medical oncology (or clinical oncology)
• Involvement in scientific activities (desirable)
• Intermediate level of English language
• Practicing in Latin America
The application outcome will be notified by e-mail by begin of February.
Successful applicants are granted free registration and half-board accommodation
3 April
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:15 | Welcome and introduction |
14:25 | Spotlight session The magnitude of the cancer problem in my country H. Gomez Moreno, PE |
Discussion |
14:55 | Clinical session Genito-urinary cancers (I) Chair: E. Efstathiou, US Prostate cancer: |
Active surveillance or watchful waiting M. T. Bourlon, MX |
Local therapy: Surgery and radiotherapy F. Geara, LB |
First-line endocrine treatment E. Efstathiou, US |
Endocrine-resistant-refractory E. Efstathiou, US |
Discussion |
17:15 |
Coffee break |
17:30 | Clinical session Genito-urinary cancers (II) Chair: C. Porta, IT |
Treatment of bladder cancer C. Vallejos, PE |
Metastatic renal cancer: Evidence-based treatment C. Porta, IT |
Discussion |
19:10 | Tumour board Genito-urinary cancers Participants’ case presentations Tutor: C. Vallejos, PE |
20:30 |
Welcome dinner |
4 April
8:00 | Clinical session Breast cancer (I) Chair: G. Curigliano, IT |
What the clinician needs to know about breast pathology and sample quality F. Penault-Llorca, FR |
Genomic tests in clinical practice F. Penault-Llorca, FR |
(Neo-) adjuvant chemotherapy and biological agents G. Curigliano, IT |
(Neo-) adjuvant endocrine therapy F. Cardoso, PT |
Discussion |
10:05 | Spotlight session The reality of clinical trials in Latin America C. Rolfo, US |
Discussion | ||
10:35 | Coffee break |
10:55 |
Clinical session Breast cancer (II) Chair: F. Cardoso, PT |
Recommended management of HER-2+ advanced breast cancer F. Cardoso, PT |
Recommended management for triple-negative advanced breast cancer G. Curigliano, IT |
Recommended management for ER+ advanced breast cancer S.X. Franco, CO |
ABC Global Alliance F. Cardoso, PT |
Discussion |
12:50 |
Tumour board Breast cancer Participants’ case presentations Tutor: S.X. Franco, CO |
13:50 | Lunch |
14:50 | Spotlight session Melanoma (Videoconference) O. Michielin , CH |
Discussion | ||
15:25 | Spotlight session Opportunities and limitations of liquid biopsies F. Penault-Llorca, FR |
Discussion | ||
16:00 | Spotlight session Treatment of elderly patients M. Aapro, CH |
Discussion | ||
16:35 | Coffee break | |
16:55 | Spotlight session Management of cancer in young women F. Cardoso, PT |
Discussion | ||
17:30 | Spotlight session Fertility preservation and pregnancy in cancer patients F.A. Peccatori, IT |
Discussion | ||
18:05 | Spotlight session Management and treatment of toxicity M. Aapro, CH |
Discussion | ||
18:40 | Spotlight session How do I get my work published in a peer-reviewed Journal C. Rolfo, US |
Discussion |
5 April
8:30 |
Clinical session Gynaecological cancers Chair: J.B. Vermorken, BE |
New classification of gynaecological cancers F. Penault Llorca, FR |
Ovarian cancer: Surgical and systemic treatment D. Lorusso, IT |
Cervical cancer: Primanry and secondary prevention J. Jeronimo, US |
Cervical cancer: Systemic treatment D. Lorusso, IT |
Management of endometrial cancer J.B. Vermorken, BE |
Radiotherapy of gynaecological malignancies F. Geara, LB |
Discussion |
11:20 | Coffee break |
11:40 | Tumour board Gynaecological cancers Participants’ case presentations Tutor: C. Santos, PE |
12:10 |
Spotlight session Cancer of unknown primary N. Pavlidis, GR |
Discussion |
12:50 | Lunch |
14:00 | Clinical session Head and neck cancer Chair: J.B. Vermorken, BE |
When to operate? P. Sanchez, PE |
When to irradiate? F. Calvo, ES |
Systemic therapy and radio-chemotherapy J.B. Vermorken, BE |
Discussion |
16:05 | Tumour board Head and neck cancer Participants’ case presentations Tutor: P. Sanchez, PE |
16:40 |
Coffee break |
17:00 |
Group sessions Tutors: L. Mas Lopez, PE - J. Scharz, PE - S. Neciosup Delgado, PE - C. Vallejos, PE Part I: Clinical case presentations by participants Part II: Selected participants present their national situation ("How is cancer treated in my country") |
6 April
8:30 | Clinical session Gastro-intestinal tumours (I) Chair: A. Cervantes, ES |
Adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer E. Van Cutsem, BE |
Systemic treatment in advanced disease (including liver) E. Van Cutsem, BE |
Discussion |
9:50 |
Coffee break |
10:10 |
Clinical session Gastro-intestinal tumours (II) Chair: E. Van Cutsem, BE |
Management of early rectal cancer: Any role for adjuvant chemotherapy? A. Cervantes, ES |
Systemic treatment in early and advanced gastric cancers and esophageal cancer A. Cervantes, ES |
Pancreatic and biliary tract cancers E. Van Cutsem, BE |
Discussion |
12:10 | Tumour board Gastro-intestinal tumours Participants’ case presentations E. Payet, PE |
13:10 | Lunch |
14:10 |
Spotlight session Sarcoma and GIST J.Y. Blay, FR (videoconfonference) |
Discussion |
15:05 | Spotlight session Has immunotherapy kept its promises in malignant lymphomas F. Cavalli, CH (videoconfonference) |
Discussion |
15:45 | Spotlight session ESMO guidance on evaluation of treatment benefit R.A. Stahel, CH |
16:25 | Coffee break |
16:45 | Group sessions Tutors: L. Mas Lopez, PE - J. Scharz, PE - S. Neciosup Delgado, PE - E. Payet, PE Part I: Clinical case presentations by participants Part II: Selected participants present their national situation ("How is cancer treated in my country") |
19:15 | Sponsored lecture (19:15-19:45) - Details are available under the section General Information |
20:30 |
Farewell dinner |
7 April
8:30 | Clinical session Lung cancer (I) Chair: R.A. Stahel, CH |
Molecular classification of lung cancer for clinical practice F. Penault-Llorca, FR |
Surgery R.M Terra, BR |
Radiotherapy F. Calvo, ES |
Non-small cell lung cancer systemic therapy R.A. Stahel, CH |
Discussion | ||
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:20 | Clinical session Lung cancer (II) Chair: R.A. Stahel, CH |
Small cell lung cancer R.A. Stahel, CH |
Discussion |
11:55 |
Tumour board Lung cancer Participants’ case presentations Tutor: R.M. Terra, BR |
12:55 |
Learning assessment test |
13:40 -14:40 |
Lunch followed by departures |