Baltic and Eurasia Masterclass in Clinical Oncology
30 ESCO credits
11.07.2019 - 14.07.2019
Minsk, Belarus
Chairs: N. Pavlidis, GR - S. Tjulandin, RU
Host Chair: O. Sukonko, BY
This clinically oriented educational programme is designed for medical, clinical and radiation oncologists who wish to improve their skills in multidisciplinary care management.
The programme will expose participants to a full spectrum of issues in clinical oncology and practice-orientated training focusing on lung, genito-urinary, breast, gastrointestinal, gynaecological and thyroid cancers. Spotlight sessions will facilitate compact update on supportive care and access to care.
The Masterclass offers plenary lectures discussing current issues and controversies as well as critically reviewing significant therapeutic development. State-of-the-art data recognised by ESMO and other evidence-based guidelines will be cited. Participants will deliver case presentations within tumour board basis and discuss them with the chairs and the faculty. Additional time will be allocated for participants to deliver case presentations within small groups and receive feedback.
All participants will reside at the course venue and participation is compulsory throughout the course. The Masterclass will be entirely in English and at least an intermediate level of English is necessary for admission.
• Full immersion
• Clinically-oriented
• Multidisciplinary
• An international faculty of top experts delivering lectures focusing on lung, genito-urinary, breast, gastrointestinal,
gynaecological and thyroid cancers.
E. Baranau, Minsk City Clinical Oncologic Dispensary, BY
A. Barchuk, University of Tampere, FI
S. Cascinu, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT
F. Cavalli, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, CH
A. Cesas, Klaipeda University Hospital, Klaipeda, LT
M. Del Grande, San Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona, CH
A. Eniu, Cancer Institute Ion Chiricuta, Cluj Napoca, RO
M. Halaska, Charles University, Prague, CZ
D. Jovanovic, University Hospital of Pulmonology, Belgrade, RS
E. Kharchenko, N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Saint Petersburg, RU
A. Khorau, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre, Minsk, BY
V. Kondratovitch, Minsk City Oncological Hospital, BY
S. Krasny, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre, Minsk, BY
O. Pagani, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
D. Papamichael, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, CY
N. Pavlidis, University Hospital of Ioannina, GR
S. Polyakov, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre, Minsk, BY
A. Richetti, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH
E. Senkus, Medical University of Gdansk, PL
C. Sessa, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, CH
A. Shamseddine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, LB
A. Snegovoy, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, RU
O. Sukonko, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre, Minsk, BY
G. Sykiotis, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, CH
S. Tjulandin, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, RU
I. Tsimafeyeu, RUSSCO - Russian Society of Clinical Oncology, Kidney Cancer Research Bureau, Moscow, RU
P. Van Houtte, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE
General information
Alice Ciocchini - Daniela Mengato
European School of Oncology (ESO)
Via Turati 29 - 20121 Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 854 64 523
Fax: +39 02 854 64 545
Email: -
Alice Ciocchini,, ph +39 02 854 64 529
• Age up to 40 years
• At least 2-3 years’ experience in medical or clinical oncology
• This event is designed to meet the educational needs of participants practicing in Baltic and Eurasian countries.
• Involvement in scientific activities
• Intermediate level of English
Interested oncologists should apply online (at the top of this page) providing:
• Letter describing motivation for attending;
• Supporting letter from head of department or mentor;
• CV with list publications (if the list of publications is not provided, it will be assumed that no articles have been published)
• Clinical case (see below)
Priority will be given to applicants practicing in Baltic and Eurasian countries.
Submit an abstract of one page on the template provided at the bottom of this page describing a clinical case related to one of the subjects of the Masterclass (lung, genitourinary, breast, gastrointestinal, gynaecological and thyroid cancers).
You will have to present your case at the Masterclass in format of a clinical grand round discussion. Please provide straightforward a case of your daily clinical practice – no uncommon or extremely rare cases. A maximum of 10 slides will be permitted containing:
• Diagnostic considerations
• Treatment
• Results, follow-up
• At least three questions proposed for discussion with the faculty
Participants will be asked to bring their personal laptop or tablet (wireless enabled) to the Masterclass as an event-dedicated website will be created and all questionnaires and certificates will be accessible only from there. Any potential problems with meeting this request should be communicated to the secretariat as part of the application process.
Successful applicants are granted free registration and accommodation
Before you start completing the online application form, please be sure you have all the requested files (CV, Motivation letter, Supporting letter, Professional experience template and Abstract template) ready to be uploaded to the system. Online applications will not be complete unless all the files are uploaded.
• Download HERE your Professional experience template
• Download HERE your Abstract template
11 July |
8:30 | Welcome address A. Eniu, RO - O. Sukonko, BY - N. Pavlidis, GR |
LUNG CANCER SESSION Chairs: P. Van Houtte, BE - S. Tjulandin, RU |
8:45 | Small cell lung cancer D. Jovanovic, RS |
9:15 | Radiotherapy P. Van Houtte, BE |
9:45 | Chemotherapy and targeted treatment (NSCLC) S. Tjulandin, RU |
10:15 | Principles of immunotherapy D. Jovanovic, RS |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:15 | Applying immunotherapy to NSCLC D. Jovanovic, RS |
11:45 | Lung Cancer Tumor Board (4 cases) |
12:45 | Lunch break |
13:45 | WOF, Strategic Plan and Kyrgyzstan Project F. Cavalli, CH |
GENITO-URINARY CANCERS Chairs: S. Krasny, BY - A. Shamseddine, LB |
14:15 | Local therapy for prostate cancer P. Van Houtte, BE |
14:45 | First-line endocrine therapy in prostate cancer A. Shamseddine, LB |
15:15 | Endocrine resistant/refractory prostate cancer S. Polyakov, BY |
15:45 | Advanced/metastatic renal cancer I. Tsimafeyeu, RU |
16:15 | Coffee break |
16:45 | Genito-Urinary Cancers Tumor Board (4 cases) |
12 July |
BREAST CANCER Chairs: O. Pagani, CH - A. Cesas, LT |
8:30 | Surgery of breast cancer A. Khorau, BY |
9:00 | Adjuvant radiotherapy of breast cancer A. Richetti, CH |
9:30 | Systemic treatment of Luminal A and B breast cancer O. Pagani, CH |
10:00 | Systemic treatment of HER2+ breast cancer A. Cesas, LT |
10:30 | Systemic treatment of triple negative breast cancer E. Kharchenko, RU |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC4) E. Senkus, PL |
12:00 | Breast Cancer Tumor Board (4 cases) |
13:15 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Supportive care: prevention of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, febrile neutropenia, skin toxicity as complication of TKI A. Snegovoy, RU |
14:30 | Access to care: an old/new issue? Global and Eastern European issues A. Eniu, RO |
15:00 | PARALLEL GROUP SESSIONS I (cases in three groups) |
13 July |
GASTROINTESTINAL CANCERS Chair: D. Papamichael, CY - S. Cascinu, IT |
8:30 | Adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatment of colon cancer D. Papamichael, CY |
9:00 | Systemic treatment in advanced disease of colon cancer S. Cascinu, IT |
9:30 | Management of rectal cancer D. Papamichael, CY |
10:00 | Systemic treatment of advanced/metastatic gastric cancer S. Cascinu, IT |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Systemic treatment of pancreatic cancer S. Cascinu, IT |
11:30 | Gastro Intestinal Cancers Tumor Board (cases by participants) |
12:30 | Lunch |
GYNAECOLOGICAL CANCERS Chairs: C. Sessa, CH - Y. Baranau, BY |
13:30 | Treatment of ovarian cancer C. Sessa, CH |
14:00 | Surgery in gynecological cancers (ovary,endometrial and cervical cancer) M. Halaska, CZ |
14:30 | ESGO guidelines in cervical cancer M. Halaska, CZ |
15:00 | Systemic treatment in cervical and endometrial cancer (metastatic cervical, adjuvant and metastatic endometrial) C. Sessa, CH |
15:30 | Rare gynecological cancers M. Del Grande, CH |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:30 | Gynecological Cancers Tumor Board (4 cases) |
17:30 | PARALLEL GROUP SESSIONS II (cases in three groups) |
14 July |
THYROID CANCER Chairs: G. Sykiotis, CH - A. Barchuk, FI |
8:00 | The Post-Chernobyl’s Era of Cancer Incidence in Belarus S. Krasny, BY |
8:30 | Preoperative evaluation of patients with thyroid nodules G. Sykiotis, CH |
9:00 | Update on management of differentiated thyroid cancer V. Kondratovitch, BY |
9:30 | Multidisciplinary management of medullary and anaplastic thyroid cancers G. Sykiotis, CH |
10:00 | Thyroid cancer Tumor Board (4 cases) |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | Participants’ Learning Assessment |
12:30 | Closing remarks |