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Block 2

07.07.2022  -  09.07.2022

Improving cancer outcomes and leadership course: an ESO, ECO & SPCC European initiative - Block 2



7 July

16:55Introduction, Purpose and summary of the course and its goals
Yolande Lievens, BE - Razvan Popescu, CH - Pietro Presti, CH
17:25The European Code of Cancer Practice
Mark Lawler, UK - Kathy Oliver, UK - Peter Selby, UK
18:10Long Term Strategic Approaches to Oncopolicy
Richard Sullivan, UK
19:00Aperitivo & Networking

8 July

8:30Comparative Healthcare Systems Including Factors Determining Effective and Efficient Cancer Care
Ajay Aggarwal, UK
9:20Value-based Clinical Decision Making
Alexandru Eniu, CH
10:10Coffee & Networking
10:40Breakout Session 1
12:30Lunch & Networking
13:30Managerial Skills That Will Help You Make A Difference
Alexandre Lourenço, PT
14:20Partnerships with Industry
Matti Aapro, CH
15:10Coffee & Networking
15:40Breakout Session 2
17:20Clinical Leadership for Effective Multidisciplinary Cancer Care
Fatima Cardoso, PT

9 July

8:30The European Actions Against Cancer
Piotr Rutkowski, PL
9:20Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care: Highlights and Best Practices from the SPCC/All.Can/SDA Bocconi Project
Matt Hickey, UK
10:10Coffee & Networking
10:40Breakout Session 3
12:30Lunch & Networking
13:30Integrating supportive and palliative care into oncology practice to improve patient outcomes
Stein Kaasa, NO
14:20How to explain the benefits of a clinical trial to a patient
Andreas Charalambous, CY
15:10Coffee & Networking
15:40Breakout Session 4
17:20Next steps and Future plans
Peter Selby, UK
18:10Closing remarks
Alexandru Eniu, CH
19:30Evening Free


Matti Aapro, Clinique de Genolier, Dept. of Breast Center, Genolier, CH
Ajay Aggarwal, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London, UK
Fatima Cardoso, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Breast Unit, Lisbon, PT
Andreas Charalambous, Cyprus University of Technology , Dept. of Oncology Nursing (Limassol, CY)
Alexandru Eniu, Riviera-Chablais Hospital, Interdisciplinary Oncology Service, Rennaz, CH
Matt Hickey, The Health Value Alliance, Management dept., Surrey, UK
Stein Kaasa, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Oslo, NO
Mark Lawler, Queens University Hospital, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Belfast, UK
Yolande Lievens, Ghent University Hospital, Radiation Oncology Dept. Ghent, BE
Alexandre Lourenço, Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Coimbra, Innovation & Development Unit, Coimbra, PT
Kathy Oliver, International Brain Tumour Alliance - IBTA, Patient Advocacy Dpt., Tadworth, Surrey, UK
Razvan Popescu, Tumor Center Aarau / Hirslanden Klinik Aarau, Medical Oncology / Hematology / Palliative Care Dpt., Aarau, CH
Pietro Presti, Fondazione Edo & Elvo Tempia, ., Biella, IT
Piotr Rutkowski, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Dept. of Soft Tissue/Bone & Melanoma, Warszawa, PL
Peter Selby, University of Leeds/St. James's University Hospital/European Cancer Concord, Dept. of Cancer Research, Leeds, UK
Richard Sullivan, King's Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Institute of Cancer Policy, London, UK