Certificate of Advanced Studies in Thoracic Malignancies (CAS-TM)
25.03.2025 - 29.05.2026
Collaborating university: University of Fribourg
The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Thoracic Malignancies (CAS-TM) is a joint collaboration between the European School of Oncology (ESO) and the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. The programme will focus on the improvement on both the clinical and the scientific aspects of improving quality in the management of patients with lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will obtain an academic certificate assigning 14 ECTS credits, equalling a work load of 420 hours and a diploma supplement by the University of Fribourg.
- Duration: 15 months
- Credits assigned: 14 ECTS
- Structure: 4 online modules + 3 in person seminars
- Collaborating university: University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
- Start date next cohort: 26 March 2025
Being selected to take part in this course is one of the ESO activities that gives participants eligibility to enrol in ESO’s College. The course also enables members of the College to earn credits and therefore access more membership benefits. Full and active participation in the course as well as passing the final certificate examination earns participants 400 ESO College credits.
- Applications open: 1 August 2024
- Application deadline: 30 November 2024
- Seminar 1: 25 – 29 March, 2025, ELCC in Paris, France
- Seminar 2: 18 – 21 November, 2025, Learning to Care Seminar in Padova, Italy
- Seminar 3 and final exam: end May/early June 2026 in Fribourg, Switzerland (exact dates TBC)
For futher information contact Alexandra Zampetti: azampetti@eso.net
Entry Requirement
Admission to the CAS-TM programme will be by competitive application only. Applications will be considered if received complete with all required documents and by the published deadline. Attendance is limited to 25 participants per cohort. Decisions on admissions are made by the appointed Programme Chair.
To obtain the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Prostate cancer, it will be compulsory that participants will attend all seminars and modules according to the provided timeline.
The organisers bear no responsibility for untoward events in relation to the participation in the seminars. Participants are advised to take out their own personal and travel insurance coverage.
The programme is designed for oncologists, but it is equally accessible to graduates in natural sciences, who are engaged in the field of oncology, especially in the field of lung cancer.
- Medical doctors: Master degree from an accredited college or university in medicine or an equivalent degree at the level of state examination in medicine and have had at least two years residency training in a relevant institution.
- Natural scientists: Master degree from an accredited college or university in a course of studies in natural sciences or an equivalent degree at the level of at least three years of studies or in a course of studies with essentially the same contents at an accredited college or university and at least two years of professional experience in oncology.
The following additional achievements will increase the assessment rate of the application:
- Further professional experience related to the course of studies
- Completion of an additional qualification in oncology
- Publications, as evidenced by cumulative impact factors greater than 10
- At least one year of relevant oncological experience in a foreign country
Please apply online (at the top of this page) and provide the following documents:
Before you start completing the online application form, please be sure you have all the requested files as outlined below ready to be uploaded to the system. Online applications will not be complete unless all the files are uploaded.
- Application supplement (template available HERE)
- Curriculum vitae outlining previous education and professional experience
- Copy of master’s degree or equivalent degree in medicine or natural sciences or any other study programme covering the same contents in the original language and a certified English translation
- Copy of transcript of records of the examinations taken during the master’s degree programme in the original language and a certified English translation
- If the point above is not applicable, please provide a record of all study achievements and examination results obtained in the course of studies until the application deadline
- Employment verification/reference letters accounting for professional experience in oncology
- Personal statement, which explains why you believe you are eligible for this programme and how and why it will further support your intended career
- Supporting documents to verify additional qualifications
Tuition fee
In keeping with the mission of the European School of Oncology, ESO generously subsidizes the cost of the CAS-TM programme. The tuition fee which remains to be paid by each participant is EUR 4’900. A CAS Financial Aid Fund will be available for participants who cannot cover the full fee directly.
The tuition fee includes:
- Access to the modules via a dedicated online platform
- Access to the three in-person seminars foreseen by the programme, including registration for the indicated congresses and accommodation
- Access to all exams required by the programme
The tuition fee does not include travel to the in-person seminars.
Cancellation should be submitted in writing and will be treated on a case-to-case basis.
Our Experts
- Alessandra Curioni, Freiburger Spital, HFR Kantonsspital Freiburg, Freiburg - CH
- Christian Rolfo, the Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
- Jarushka Naidoo, Waterford Regional Hospital, Waterford, Ireland
Conceptual Development and Organisation
- Alexandra Zampetti, ESO, CH
- Mina Curcic, USI, CH